Chapter 6

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Okay, I lied. This is really the last one, I'm closing my laptop now. 

Eleanor has been ignoring Louis for two days and it's just not right. They used to hang out every single day and now she didn't even pass the coffeeshop like she always does. He hasn't seen her since the whole Harry thing.

So Louis decides that he is just going over to her house. He knows that she has no shoots planned today and the girl never leaves her house if she doesn't have to.

On his way to Eleanor's loft he thinks about Harry. He deleted his profile on the dating app so Louis can only assume the worst.

And it gets indeed confirmed when he enters Eleanor's loft, using the spare key that's under the doormat.

And there she is, half naked making out with Harry. A billion emotions are going through Louis when he sees it and a loud gasp leaves his mouth.

"Louis!" Eleanor exclaims, pushing Harry a bit away from her. She takes her shirt and puts it back on. "What are you doing here?"

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupts... Whatever that was." He mumbles, fighting the tears behind his eyes.

"It's alright, Louis. It's good to see you again. You didn't interrupt anything by the way. I have to go to work. See you tomorrow, baby?" Harry turns to Eleanor and pecks her lips while closing the zip of his trousers.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Eleanor says in the kiss, her hand intertwined with Harry's.

"Bye baby, bye Louis!" Harry smiles at the older boy and waves at him enthusiastically. "We really have to do that lad's night thing!"

"You're on!" Louis puts his best fake smile and when he hears the door shut he turns to Eleanor, his arms crossed.

"What the fuck is this, El?" Louis is angry, beyond pissed. But Eleanor gave him the chance to explain himself after the whole profile incident so he owes her at least the same now.

"I am so sorry, Louis. I didn't mean to hurt you. You are still my best friend. It's just that... Louis, Harry isn't gay okay..." she starts. "He doesn't like guys and he really likes me. I feel really comfortable around him and I like him too, Louis. And I know you like him as well but he is not gay and he doesn't like you like that. He likes me and fuck Louis I didn't intend to like him like that." Eleanor sighs.

"So, the two of you..." Louis' eyes are tearing. He can't believe that his best friend, the person he trusts the most, is doing this to him.

"We're figuring things out. It's not officially yet but... We both really like each other, Louis. I don't want to lie to you. That night in your apartment when you went to your room he walked me home and he kissed me goodbye. We exchanged numbers and have been seeing and texting each other ever since.

I know this must hurt you, Louis but I think this is actually my chance to be happy. Harry is sweet, nice, caring and he is just everything that Max wasn't. He treats me right and respects me. I feel like a princess when I'm with him. I'm so sorry, Louis. I do hope that you can forgive me and I'm sure that the two of you will be great friends. It's just...

Look if I knew that he liked boys as well I wouldn't do it. I would give you a fair chance but he doesn't, Lou. He's not gay or bi. He likes girls. And I know you have this big crush on him but that doesn't change his sexuality. I'm not letting go of my chance of happiness because you like a straight guy that likes me, Lou. You won't ever be able to be with him.

I realise that it sounds harsh but it's the truth. And wouldn't it hurt more if you would hold on to that false hope?"

And Louis cries silently because he had fallen so hard for Harry. He thinks about him every single second of the day and the fact that his best friend has the chance to be with him hurts his heart so much. If he was a girl then this wouldn't have happened.

"I guess you're right." Louis whispers, lump in his throat from crying. "Guess it will always be like that huh? Who wants the ugly gay guy when there is the pretty girl model?"

"Don't say that, Lou!" El protests. "That's not it! There are plenty of guys that want you. You are a catch. It's just... Harry is straight baby. I know you like him and he likes you as well, but as a friend. He did mention you and said that you would make an amazing friend and I told him that yes, you are an amazing friend. You will still be able to be close to him, Lou just not as his lover. He is not into guys. That doesn't mean you can be the best friends though."

"He really mentioned me?" Louis asks, wiping away the tears that are rolling over his cheeks.

Eleanor nods.

"Yeah, he did. He thinks that the two of you would make great friends and I think the same Louis. Harry and you could be good friends. You just have to remember that as sweet and charming as he is, the two of you could never be more than friends. He's going to be my boyfriend soon and we really like each other."

"You've mentioned that quite a few times, El. I get it." Louis snaps. "I get it that you can have him however you want and I can be the stupid best friend like always. That's what I was to my ex, to Zayn and now to Harry. Tell me something I don't know, El."

And Louis feels so frustrated and helpless. He just wants to get out of there and that's what he does.

"Louis, you don't have to go! You can stay here and we can order food and..."

"Not today." Louis interrupts the girl. "Really, not today El. Congratulations and I'm so happy that you finally found someone that cares about you and treats you the way you deserve and not like trash. It just fucking sucks that it's the boy I like." 

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