Chapter 11

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Wrote this during my studybreak.


"If you dare to steal one more fry, Tomlinson I will cut your hand off." Harry hisses when Louis takes his tenth fry or something from Harry.

"Wow, mister Teddy Bear is getting violent." Louis teases, playfully keeping the fry between his lips to provoke Harry even more.

Harry leans over the table and grabs a chicken nugget out of Louis' box.

"HEY! You can't just do that!" Louis whines.

"You steal my fries too."

"The value of a chicken nugget is a lot higher, Styles and you fucking know it." Louis pouts and crosses his arms like a kid.

"Louis, you have a sharing box. I think you can miss one nugget." Harry chuckles.

"The name isn't correct. They shouldn't call it a sharing box only because it has more nuggets in it. I take it because I want to eat more, not because I want to share. What was McDonalds even thinking when they were calling it a sharing box?"

"You're being dramatic."

"You're being a thief."

"Well, I should do honour to my name then right?" And Harry leans in to steal another nugget, dips it into Louis' barbecue sauce and puts it in his mouth.

"I don't know if we can still be friends now, Harry I mean... People always say that actions speak louder than words and looking at your actions you just hate me to the chore." Louis wipes away his fake tears and Harry laughs.

"Here, you can have my chocolate shake."

Louis takes the cup and sips from it, immediately putting it back on the table.

"Can I give you that back? I don't want it..."

"Dramatic..." Harry sings with a high voice, grabbing his milkshake again and drinking.

"Stop calling me dramatic, you're breaking my heart! I'm not dramatic!" And Louis is a great actor but he can't keep his laugh when he sees Harry's face. They both just crack up.

"God, Louis I swear I never met someone like you before." Harry shakes his head as he collects all the empty boxes, putting them into the paper bag with the big yellow M.

"And is that a good thing?" Louis bites his lips as he looks straight into Harry's green eyes.

"A very good thing."


"What should I cook you tomorrow?" Harry asks as both of them are sitting on the couch, watching some movie that's on tv.

"You're the cook. You're free to choose what you want to make, Hazza."

"What's your favourite meal then?"


Harry rolls his eyes and slaps Louis playfully on his arms.

"I can't handle you. For real, Louis. I don't want to cook something that you don't like. So tell me, what do you want me to cook?"

"Fajitas are alright I guess." Louis says after a while, going over an imaginary menu in his head.

"Fajitas? Alright, I'm making us fajitas. I'm excited about tomorrow."

And Louis studies Harry's face and the younger boy really does look excited. His eyes are shining and his smile covers literally more than half of his face. Harry is so beautiful.

"Me too. I'm glad I know you now. I feel comfortable with you." Louis confesses.

"Yeah, really comfortable. It's like we know each other all our lives, isn't it? Or is it just me?" Harry plays with his fingernails, a habit he has when he is nervous Louis noticed.

"It's not just you. You're making my life a little less lonely."

"Yeah, you and El do the same for me."

And there it is.


Sometimes Louis just completely forgets about her. His brain is trying to push her relationship with Harry away. He feels so close to Harry and the way they are interacting, it's something Louis has never had before.

The older boy already fell hard for him over text and now that they are actually spending time together, it isn't getting easier at all. As much as he is trying to push those feelings away and control his heartbeat, he longs for Harry so much.

"When are you going to see her?" Louis asks.

Because yeah he loves hurting himself why not?

"Tomorrow. I'm going to her shoot and right after we are going to her flat to order Chinese and watch a movie till like 4.."

Chinese and movies? Classic El.

"That's nice." Louis just puts on his best fake smile.

"Yeah, now we're talking about it. I should go back home. El's shoot is early and well I don't have my car so it's quite a walk back."

"Or you can stay here?" Louis blurts out. "I mean... Liam's room is almost completely empty and weren't you looking for a new flat?"

"I am." Harry smiles. "Yeah, I could stay over. If you don't mind?"

"If I would mind then I didn't ask, Styles. Stay here, I'm getting you some comfy clothes. Liam has left some and I'm sure the two of you are the same size."

"You don't think your dwarf outfit would fit me?" Harry teases.

"Just because you have a pretty face doesn't mean I can't punch it." And Louis puts his hand before his mouth after he realises what he just said.

"So do you think I have a pretty face?" Harry smirks, taking the pair of basketball shorts that Louis hands him.

"I mean... It was a joke... I didn't mean... I...."

Harry bites his lip and walks over to Louis, whispering in his ear:

"You have a pretty face too, Tommo."

And Louis can feel his heart beat on a unhealthy speed and he is sure that Harry can literally hear it. His cheeks are a deep shade of red and he is looking at the floor because he is feeling so embarrassed.

"Thanks for the shorts and the shirt. I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a bit."

"Great! Do you uh, would you like to drink some wine? I have red and white in the fridge and I can maybe already pour the glasses and you know uh..."

Harry chuckles and he leans against the doorpost of the bathroom. He looks at Louis with an amused smirk.

"Red wine is fine, Louis. Thank you."

A relieved sigh leaves Louis' lips when he hears the bathroom door closing and he takes two wineglasses out of the cupboard.

"Oh and Louis?"

The door is open again.

"Yeah?" He turns around, looking into Harry's eyes. He is definitely drowning in them.

"Don't drop the glasses, please." Harry winks and closes the door again.

And if Louis actually dropped both glasses just because of Harry's wink, nobody needs to know. 

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