Chapter 25

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gosh I nailed another exam today and I just want to tell you that I uploaded my assignment 8 hours early and normally I'm not even 8 minutes early so yeah im proud of myself :)

anyway, enjoy!

That Louis is beyond pissed with Harry is an understatement. He is raging. Yesterday night after Eleanor's comment that he always sides with Louis, the younger boy had changed so much.

He woke up in the morning saying that he does prefer the beach and if Louis doesn't want to go he can feel free to go alone with Luke. So because Louis refused to follow Harry's stupid ass, he did go alone with Luke.

And how he regrets that because now he ended up somewhere and he has no clue where they are and Louis refuses to call Harry for help even though they have been stuck already for three hours in the middle of nowhere.

"Louis my darling you have to chill." Luke says calmly who decided to sit down on the side of the road.

"Call down? Are you serious? We don't even have a fucking clue where we are, it's 32 degrees and we don't have water anymore. I haven't seen any car pass here. No, I'm not fucking calming down." Louis hisses. He doesn't even feel guilty when he sees Luke's upset face. This is not the moment to be 'chill'.

"There is no reason to scream at me!" Luke scowls. "For real, Louis. If you didn't want to date me you shouldn't have agreed."

And a loud gasps leaves Louis' mouth. He doesn't say a word, his jaw is just clenching.

"Don't ignore me. I want you to be honest with me. Do you even still like me, Louis?" Did you actually in the first place?"

And if Louis thought that the situation couldn't be any worse, it does.

"It's not something personal, Luke. I just... I don't like you like that. I wanted to give you a chance because a lot of people fall in love in the process of dating. I'm sorry I couldn't. I didn't know I made it that obvious..." Louis looks down at the road and rubs his arm. A mosquito just stung him because yes that's the kind of day it is.

"If the guy you are dating prefers to be with his roommate all the time, it is pretty obvious. I think everybody can see that I'm not the one you're crushing on. Liam even warned me about it but I refused to believe him because I do really like you so much. But I get it, Louis. When we are out of here I'm packing my bags and I'll call a taxi home. I'm not staying another night with you. I don't appreciate people playing with my heart."

And Louis bites his lip and he feels like the biggest jerk alive. He knows how it feels to be played, Harry has been doing it to him for a while now, and it crashes him.

"I'm sorry. I am so fucking sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You are a good person Luke but I just see us more as friends." Louis confesses. "I mean, you look good and you are a very nice person and I thought that would be enough to fall in love with you and I'm so sorry I couldn't."

"You can't apologise for that. You should apologise for lying, for being with me while you clearly like someone else."

And fuck Luke is so right and Louis hates it.

"I wanted to forget him and I really hoped I would fall for you." Louis confesses. "Because if I could choose, Luke, I'd fall in love with you instead of him."

And their conversation gets interrupted when they finally see a car coming. Louis jumps up and walks to the street.

Finally they can go back to the house.


"Where have you guys been? I called you a billion times!" Harry scolds when Louis and Luke arrive back.

"I'm sorry mom. There was no place to charge in the middle of nowhere." Louis snaps. He is angry from all the emotions and Harry's strange mood swings and even if he planned on breaking up with Luke himself this weekend, it kind of stings. And when he sees the boy walking through the door with his suitcase, Louis can't help but start crying because everything is just too fucking much.

"Where is he going?" Harry asks.

"Where is Eleanor?" Louis shot back.

"She is staying with her parents tonight. They heard she is here and the really wanted her to stay the night. I told her it's alright. Now stop dodging my question."

"I don't have to answer you." And more tears are streaming down his cheeks and his hands are shaking.

"Lou, baby." Harry walks up to Louis and wipes away some tears with his thumb, kissing his wet cheek after. "Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." And Harry wants to hug Louis but the older boy takes a step back.

"Stop it."

"Stop what? Lou I just want to help you." Harry's hand goes up to Louis' hair but Louis slaps it away.

"Stop playing with my heart." And the words finally leave Louis' mouth and the older boy feels relieved yet even more emotional now because he has no clue how this conversation is going to end and he knows that there might be a possibility where he loses Harry in the outcome.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Harry looks shamefully to the ground and that's when Louis loses it, waterfalls going over his cheeks.

"Stop this bullshit, Harry. Stop acting like you have no idea what I'm talking about! I know that you know how I feel about you. You have heard my heartbeat speed up, you have seen the way I look at you and have felt the way I touch you, protect you and always want you near me. You are not stupid and you know bloody well that what I feel for you is not just friendship"

"And do you think that's easy for me, Louis? Do you think I know how to handle this? Because you fucking know I like you too!" Harry screams back.

"Yeah and you show it! But when Eleanor is there I'm out of the picture. Then it's like I don't exist anymore. If you like me too, Harry then you would respect me for fuck's sake. Just because you cuddle me doesn't mean that we are fine. It's fucking torturing me! Your mixed signals are torturing me!" Louis' hands are in his hair and his whole face is wet from the salt tears.

"My mixed signals? I kissed you and you pushed me away!"

"Because you have a girlfriend, Harry!" Louis screams out of frustration. "You have a girlfriend who is one of my best friends. Of course I'm not going to kiss you. I can't do that to you, to her and to myself. You have to be loyal when in a relationship!"

"You talk more about El than I do! It's like you want me to be with her! Here you are confessing that you like me but the only thing you do is pushing me towards her. You make me spend time with her, you try to convince me to stay in the relationship. That's not behaviour of someone that's in love with me, Louis. Because for me you are an option too and I'm trying to figure out which option is the best for me because all this is so new to me. I never liked a guy before and it fucking scares me."

Louis shakes his head.

"Just don't break your head about it anymore, Harry. Because you just called me an option and that's not what I want to be. I want to be your end goal and if that's not what I am, then just forget about me." 

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