Chapter 15

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Last one guys for real this time, I still need to study

Harry and Louis are carrying all of Harry's boxes inside Louis' place. And all afternoon Harry has tried to start a conversation with Louis, but Louis just nods, shakes his head or says okay, not wanting to speak.

And when Harry carries the last box and puts it inside, he walks over to Louis, grabs his hand and drags him to the couch.

"Talk to me." Harry tries to make eye contact with Louis but the older boy looks away.

"What do I have to say?" Louis mumbles, hiding his hands in his sleeves.

"Why that you are like this. You were all happy this morning and it changed. What happened? Did El say something?"

And panic rushes into Louis because he really doesn't want Harry to know about his conversation with El, it would only make him upset and put him in the middle of a fight he doesn't belong into.

"No, I'm just tired I guess."

"I don't like it when you lie to me, Lou. I hate liars, they are the worst. Be honest with me."

I'm the one you met online, I used my best friend's picture, fell in love with you, you fell in love with her and are together now, she is pissed because we are hanging out, yeah that's it Harry.

Nope, that's not going to be said.

So Louis says the other thing that's on his mind.

"Do you feel forced to live with me? Like, did you prefer to stay with Niall?"

"What? Lou, no. I'm happy I'm living with you now. I can't wait for the nights we're going to spend together, joking, laughing, annoying each other. It's like a sleep over every day. I'm fucking excited. Is that what's bothering you? Don't you feel how much I want to be close to you?"

You don't want to be half as close to me as I want to be to you.

"I want to be close to you too, Haz." Louis whispers.

"Hug me, then. It's alright, Lou. You know I like cuddles. I'm a clingy bitch."

And Louis has to chuckle when he hears Harry's words but he does put his head on Harry's shoulder, purring when Harry's fingers go through his hair.

"See, we're going to have more moments like this. We'll have the chance to have deep talks and cuddles. I'm glad you are allowing me to live with you, Louis Tomlinson. You are pretty awesome."

And Louis feels himself blushing and he hides his face in the crook of Harry's neck, not wanting to show his blushes to the boy.

"No, Louis none of that! Remember that you have a pretty face too, no hiding Tomlinson."

You're not helping the bloody blushes on his cheek, Harry, not at all. Oh and are these the butterflies again? Hi to all of you as well.

And that moment Louis hears someone opening the door. He removes himself from Harry only to see Eleanor enter.

"Hey, guys. I thought I'd come over and help Harry unpack. The shoot finished early." She smiles, putting her coat on the coatrack.

"Aw, that's sweet darling." Harry walks over to her and grabs her by the waist, pecking her lips. "Lou and I just finished putting the boxes upstairs. But I'm hungry. Should we order food?" Harry suggests.

And before someone can say something, Eleanor takes her phone.

"I'll call the Chinese."


And this is the first time that Louis thinks that having Harry live with him is the worst idea ever. He is third wheeling in his own fucking apartment again and this time he has fucking feelings for one of them.

Eleanor has put herself on Harry's lap and feeds him rice. It's honestly not even cute, it's disgusting.

The bitch better cleans the floor later because half the city can still eat rice from it.

"I'm full now, El." Harry smiles, denying another fork of rice with some weird chicken. "But thank you anyway, it was nice. I'm going to get drinks. Lou do you want something?"


"Coke, pleas Haz."

"I'll have the same." El smiles when Harry looks at her. The younger boy leaves the living room and Louis can feel the tension between him and El. They were never like this.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted earlier, Lou." Eleanor breaks the silence. "It was just that I was really upset about our first night being ruined and then I find out he just came to see you. It sucks, you know."

"You know what else sucks, El? Seeing your best friend feeding the guy you like in your own apartment. Do you hear me complain though? Suck it up. I have been sucking it up from the beginning. I'm hurt as well but I don't call you out every single time I am. You know why, El? Because you are my friend and Harry is as well and I just want to see both of you happy. So your pathetic theory of me wanting to steal him, that's just you being scared that people have the same personality as you. But I don't have that personality, El. I actually want my friends to be happy and I'll deal with it if it's not the thing that makes me happy."

And he can see the girl in front of him becoming nervous, scratching her arm as she apologises.

"I'm sorry, Lou. I just really like him and I think for once I deserve someone that loves me and doesn't cheat on me..."

"You do." Louis agrees. "I never told you that you didn't. And I have accepted that Harry will never like me the way he likes you, the way I like him. And that's alright. But can you at least not ruin our friendship?

Because you are forgetting that Harry fell for the personality of the person he was chatting with, and I'm sorry to break it to you El but that's me. He linked your face, but it was my personality.

And that's also exactly why we are such a close friends now, because our personalities match, Eleanor. And I'm not going to give up my friendship with him because of your stupid jealousy or whatever. You don't even have a reason to be jealous because he is straight anyway, right? You remind me a billion times."

"I got your drinks my babies!"

Harry comes back with three glasses of coke, giving one to El, Louis and puts the one for himself on the small table before falling down in the couch next to Louis, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I'm tired. We can do the unpacking tomorrow if you want, El. I'm not in the mood now." Harry yawns.

"Me neither."

El grabs her coat and leaves the apartment.

And Louis doesn't even feel bad. He's glad that Harry is showing how much Louis means to him in front of his girlfriend. 

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