Chapter 26

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Because all of your comments just motivate me and it makes me happy and smile. Please keep doing that! xoxo

"You know I can't just forget about you." Harry's emerald green eyes stare right back into Louis'. "I can never forget you and I don't want to forget you. Louis you promised me you would stay. You can't leave me." Harry is sobbing loudly now and he is clinging on Louis. And it takes everything from Louis' heart to push the boy away from him.

"I want to be the one you love, Harry more than anything but if I am not then I understand. I can't force you to feel the way I feel about you." Louis whispers, his hand going over Harry's wet cheeks. "But if that's not how you feel about me, you shouldn't give me the mixed signals. Then don't call me baby, don't crawl into my bed, don't get jealous, don't kiss me. You are giving me hope that there might be a chance that you are in love with me too. It hurts." Louis whispers.

And Harry wants to talk but the older boy interrupts him.

"Please let me talk, Hazza. This has been on my heart for a while.

If you tell me that you just want to be friends, I'll be your friend. I won't end our friendship just because you are not in love with me. That would make me an asshole because your feelings isn't something you control. I wouldn't be in love with my best friend's boyfriend if I could choose, but I am.

I won't give you the ultimatum that if you are still with El we can't be friends anymore. That's not the person I am. It will be fucking hard but I'll get over it eventually. But if you decide to stay with her and I'm in that fight to get over you, you can't do the things I just mentioned. You can't give me the feeling that you might like me too.

And I don't expect an answer tonight, Harry. You should go to bed and let everything I told you sink in. Don't think about it too much, just follow your heart. And if your heart tells me that you want to be with El, well fucking sucks for me but I'll live. But I want you to think this through Harry because if you feel like I am the person you see a future with, I want you to go for it.

Because we will fight. We are both fucking stubborn and way too jealous. It will be your first relationship with a boy and I know how hard and intense it is and it will give us struggles. But if you realise that I am the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, I'm here because I want to spend the rest of mine with you too then."

Harry wants to open his mouth but Louis puts his finger on it, hushing him before he can speak.

"Don't talk now, Hazza. This is not the moment. You should go to your room and figure things out on your own without me talking to you. I don't want to push you in any way. This is about you that has to listen to your heart. We'll talk whenever you ready, not earlier."

Harry only nods and before he leaves Louis' room he kisses his cheek. The spot is burning on Louis' face and his hand is pasted on his cheek.

Please let Harry feel the exact same way as Louis feels for him.

And when Harry is gone Louis takes his phone, checking all his social media. He hasn't done that in a while. He opens Snapchat and looks at the stories. Some people are on a concert, others use the filters, then there are Max and El on a night out in Kent...


Eleanor is with Max? Didn't she tell Harry that she was with her parents? What the hell is she doing with Max?

And usually Louis skips all the stories, doesn't watch them and for sure not Max' story because he is a big asshole.

And when he keeps pressing, more pictures and videos appear on the screen from the two of them, the last one being a video where El kisses Max.

And Louis is boiling . He can't believe this is happening. Eleanor can't be serious right? She has been making drama about Harry and Louis hanging out and now she ditches her boyfriend, the boy she knew damn well Louis likes, for her cheating ex?

She isn't better herself than Max.

And Louis thinks he has never been so angry in his life. And as much as he just wants to run to Harry's room to show him everything, he doesn't. Because right now Harry is thinking about his feelings and Louis doesn't want to have any influence on the outcome. Because if Harry chooses Eleanor, then that's that. Of course Louis will tell him after that she cheated on him but then also Louis wouldn't get into a relationship with him. He is not a rebound or a second choice. Louis wants to know now what Harry feels about him without any influences.

And Louis can't sleep. The whole day has been repeating in his head. The break up with Luke, the fight with Harry, Eleanor cheating with Max. The older boy just shakes his head. He can't believe how he got into all of this. It's like he is living in a bad teenage drama soap that his sisters used to watch.

And it must be three o'clock when he hears someone knocking on his door, a mop of curls standing in the doorframe.

"I have thought enough." Harry says softly.

"Haz, you don't have to rush yourself. This is an important decision."

"It's not even a decision, you are right. You were never an option, Louis. It has always been you. I replayed everything in my head and the only reason I'm with El is because of the person she was online.

But in real life I want to spend every single second with you. I crave your attention and I just want to be with you, Louis. It was just a very big deal for me to admit because I thought I was in love with someone and apparently I'm not. Also, I mean no offense, but you are a guy and I just... I never imagined that I was able to fall in love with a guy. But you make me feel things, Louis, things that I haven't felt before and I don't want to lose you.

It might sound stupid but I did a little test. I was imagining two scenarios of my future. And in the first one there was no Eleanor, just you and me. And we were laughing and having fun and we had such a great time.

But then I imagined the opposite, only El and I without you and it was dark, Louis it was so fucking dark and I was so sad that I literally cried after it and I just don't ever want to think that again because it fucking hurts."

Louis moves aside and pets on his bed, making the sign to the younger boy to join him.

"Are you sure that you want me? Because I really, really want you Harry." Louis whispers, his hand going through Harry's hair.

"I'm in love with you."

The words leave Harry's mouth as he is watching straight into Louis' eyes.

"So deeply in love with you that it drives me crazy, Louis. I'm breaking up with El first thing when we are back in London and I want to go slow with you and see how it goes. But I know that in the end we'll be fine because we always are, aren't we?"

And Louis gives Harry a watery smile and he can feel the speed of his heart beat go up. He feels Harry's head on his chest.

"It's beating faster again." Harry notices. "I was hoping for it, my angel." And Harry crawls up, leaning in to kiss Louis' lips.

And as hard as it is, for sure know he knows that Eleanor is cheating on Harry as well, he keeps the boy away from him. He is not going to lower himself to the level of his friend.

"Kissing me can be the second thing you do in London after you broke up with El." 

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