Chapter 18

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I'm so sorry for being late. I finished a billion assignments today. Enjoy! 

It doesn't take long for Niall and Anna to leave after Harry and Eleanor did. The two of them came for Harry and he left early.

It made Louis sad in the first place but after it made him fucking pissed. They are having this housewarming because Harry wanted to, not Louis. Louis is not a big fan of those kind of events and now Harry just leaves with Eleanor while he has been complaining about her all morning. As much as Louis likes Harry, he is pissed at him right now.

"We should go as well now, Tommo." Zayn says petting Liam's leg. "I have work tomorrow. But it was really nice and Harry seems a nice lad."

"Thanks for coming, guys it was nice to have you here." Louis gives them an honest smile. He knows that both of them had to clear their schedule to be there and Louis appreciates them being here.

He leads the two boys to the door and waves at them until he feels a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

"Now it's just the two of us, Tommo." Luke whispers in Louis' ear. "It is. I don't mind. Want another drink?" Louis asks. He can feel Luke's hot lips on the soft skin of his neck. He doesn't stop him because he doesn't have a reason to. Luke is nice, good looking and Louis could use a distraction.

"Mm, I could go for another vodka coke." He mumbles, his hands going under Louis' shirt. Louis enjoys the touch of Luke's hands of his body. He hasn't been touched in a while and it feels good.

"Going to get them, love." And it's seconds later that the two of them are sitting on his couch cuddling. Luke's arm is wrapped around Louis and Louis' head is on his shoulder.

"We don't get to hang out enough. I like your company." Luke mumbles. "You're nice, really nice."

"You too." Louis pecks Luke's neck. "I really like being with you. It's always nice and relaxing. I'm glad Liam brought you."

"I like you, Louis." Luke blurts out.

"Yeah, I like you too." Louis giggles, a bit drunk from all the alcohol he consumed.

"You don't get it. I like you in as like like. I know we normally just fuck and that's it for the next few months but I'm kind of tired of that. I really like you Louis. You are an awesome person and you always care about everybody. You are the sweetest, kindest and most handsome guy I know. And I know that this must come as a surprise for you because I always was so casual about us fucking but it actually isn't casual to me. God the alcohol gives me courage. Anyway, I really like you Louis Tomlinson. I think I mentioned that five times by now but I do. And I wouldn't mind if we started seeing each other on a regular basis and go out on cute dates and stuff. I'd like to take you out on cute dates."

And Louis doesn't know what to think. He can't believe that Luke, the one he used to call Hot Luke, the guy he used to crush on so badly, confessed that he likes Louis. A year ago he would have jumped out of the roof from happiness, but now he is doubting. The first thing on his mind is Harry Harry Harry.

And his subconscious starts to argue.

Don't do it, Louis. You don't like Luke like that. You like Harry like that.

What does it matter if you like Harry? He is with Eleanor!

That Harry is with Eleanor doesn't mean that you have to get with Luke. You will mess up your friendship because you are not in love with him.

Luke is the first person in a long while to say that he likes you like that. Don't be stupid. Don't let him go or you'll end up single.

But what about Harry? You are literally thinking about him every single second of the date. That's emotionally cheating on Luke if you get together.

As long as your dick is in your pants Louis, you can't be accused of cheating. Harry is with Eleanor and he will stay with Eleanor.

"I want to give it a chance." Louis blurts out. "I mean, you are a good guy and we both know that the sex is great. I like having you around. So yeah, I'm willing to give this a chance."

Louis, you idiot.

Good job, tiger!

Louis blushes. He always used to be the one to confess his feelings. This is the first time that someone else actually tells him that he likes him. Only the thought of that makes his heart beat a little bit faster.

You can make yourself fall in love with him, Louis. You have to. Harry doesn't like you. He hasn't talked to you all evening and then left with Eleanor. Luke is the best option you have. Summon your crush back.

"Are you serious?" Luke has a big grin on his face and his eyes are sparkling. "You like me too?"

Louis giggles out of nervousness and nods.

"You're cool, Luke. I don't see why I shouldn't give us a try. Like I said, I like having you around and you are hot."

Luke bites his lip and then looks at Louis. He can see the adoration in the boy's eyes and he doesn't understand why he hasn't seen this before. He must have missed the signs.

And before he knows he can feel Luke's lips on his and they are tangled up in a passionate kiss.

"Bedroom?" Luke pants after their lips are disconnected, both panting on the couch.


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