Chapter 11

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Kate's Pov
I run to the bathroom and jump in the shower (Not Literally) I do my business and hop out and grab a towel. I wrap my self up and run to the bedroom. I get changed (Pic on the side). I walk back to the bathroom and put in my contacts and makeup which consists of foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow, mascra, eyeliner and red lipstick. I walk back to my room and put on my shoes and grab my bag and phone and walk downstairs.
"See ya guy, I'll be home around 10" I call out. I hear mumble and grab the car keys and walk to the car.

I walk in and the waitress, is there with a big smile on her face.
"Hey, can I have table for two my date should be coming soon and can we have one near the window please?"I ask and she nods and guides me to the table near the window.
"Would you like anything while you wait?" She asks.
"Water please" I say and she walks away.

I look at my phone at its 6:10. I look behind me and I see no curly hair. I check out the window but nothing

The lady comes back.
"Are you ready to ord-"She says but stops halfway when she sees no-one is opposite me. She looked about in her thirty's
"Aww Hunny, Come here" She says and I stand up and feel the tears coming
"Shhhh, it's alright, He is the biggest jerkface ever and he doesn't deserve you" She says wiping my tears.
I see all the people looking at me with sympothy. I felt like the biggest idiot ever. I nod and walk out of the restrauant. I look at my phone and see no messages from Harry. I run to the car and I feel the tears coming. I look at the clock and it's 7. I knew it was good to be true, he was just using me. I hit the steering wheel in anger and I heard a BEEP and the girl in front of me screamed and gave me a glare, but I didn't care. I started the car and drove to somewhere I belong.

I stop the car and storm into to the door. I take a breath and knock on the door. I see the person who opened the door.
"Jake , He didn't show" I say bursting again. He realises what I meant and pulled me into a hug.
"Who is at the door, It's a thursday" I hear the annoying witch whine.
"Shut up Rose" Jake yells. I pull away from his hug and wipe the tears. I look at his shirt and it has makeup all over it.
"I'm so sorry" I say trying to wipe the shirt but his hand stop me
"Kate, stop and come inside, you can stay at mine" He says. I nod and we walk inside
"Mum, Dad, Katie is going to stay the night" Jake yells.
"Yeah sure. That's okay. HI sweetie" Jake mums yells
"Hi Mandy" I yell back but my voice was croaky.
"Are you alright sweetie" She says coming into the hallway. I nod and try to hold back my tears.
Rose comes down and just stares at me with a wicked smile.
"Hey, whatare you doing? Did he leave you?" she says laughing. I don't say a word and put my head down. Rose just burst out laughing
"Oh my god that is hilarious, Harry left you. Maybe he knew that you werent the right one and gonna come running to me" Rose says. I feel the tears coming down my face.
"Rose Olivia Austin, do not be so rude." Mandy scolds. Jake laugh but covers it up with a cough.
"Well me and Kate are going to my room to talk" Jake grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs

I walked into his room and jump on the bed.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" Jake asks. I sigh, I guess i'm gonna have too.
"Well I got the restrauant and got a window table so I could see if Harry was coming or not. I waited 5 minutes and I thought he was running late then hour went passed and he still wasn't there. I knew he was going to do that. Make me feel special and then just stand me up!" I feel myself start to get angry and Jake hangs me a pillow and I start to punch it.
"Oh girl, calm down." Jake says holding me. I cry on his shoulders
"I can't go back home because knowing me I'll cry myself to sleep and my family will want to know what's going on" I say.
"You can here tonight" Jake says wiping my tears.
"So how is everything going with your family" I ask trying to change the subject.
"Shit, they still dont undertsand. I'm turning 18 next year and I'm out of the house and get my own apartment and I'm out of the house and I'm moving to London" Jake explains. I nod my head.
I look at the time and it was 9:00pm
"Well, We best go to bed Jakey boo, do you have any clothes that I could sleep in" I ask and Jake stands up and gives me sweats and a t-shirt. I walk to his bathroom and get changed and wash my face and walk back into his bedroom and get into his bed
"Goodnight Jake, I love you" I say.
" I love you 2 Katy boo" He says. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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