Chapter 14

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Kate's Pov
I wake up to the sound of my message tone. I groan and with my eyes close try and grab my phone. I finally get it and open my eyes. I flick the button on and the light shines on my eyes.
"Fuck, I just saw a billion stars" I groan. I look closer and see it was The guy from the football game. I never got his name. Luke was his name, what a cute name.

Luke ;)
Hey Kate. I was wondering if you would like to get some lunch today.

Hey Luke. Yeah sure would love to. Where do I meet you?

Luke ;)
Awesome and I'll pick you up. I'll see you at 12.

Aww he was going to pick me up, no-one has really done anything like that. I look at the time and it was 10:00am. I have an hour to get ready. What if he is just like Harry and doesn't come? Kate he seems a lot sweeter than that.  I walk downstairs and see Nate and Christine havign breakfast and being cute. You could tell they liked each other
"Morning lovebirds" I say winking. Nate throws a piece of bacon at me
"Shut up" He mouths, I laugh walking away to grandma
"Hey Gran" I say grabbing a piece of bacon off her plate.
"You do realise you can get a plate for yourself right" She said.
"Yeah I know but what's the point when you can do this" I say grabbing a piece of egg of Andy. She laughs and pats a seat for me.
"Here we can share our breakfast. Are you able to hand out with me today?" She says. Aww she wants to hang out. Shit Luke wants to hang out, I can't say no to both,
"Yeah sure" I say pick up a hash brown.
"Hey gran, am I allowed to go out with a friend with Andy?" I ask and she just nods her head.
Once I finished Andy food. I run up stairs and get dressed (On the side) I grab my phone

Luke ;)
Hey. Am I allowed to bring my sister, she wanted to hang out and she did the puupy dog face and I couldn't resist

Yeah sure, She is pretty cute xx

He sent me x's. I put my phone down and grab my make up and put on my usual makeup. I put a beige lipstick on. I curl my hair and put it half up and half down with a bow in. Andy comes running in
"Katie, Can you do my hair please" She said giving me a brush. She was wearing a very cute dress, I put her hair in two pigtails.
"Katherine and Andrea a guy is here for you" Gran yells. Luke must be here. I grab my sandals and bag and hold out my hand for Andy to take. Which she does, we walk down the stairs and I spot Luke
"Hey Luke" I say once I reach the door. He takes one look at me and his jaw drops. I laugh and push it back up
"Wow you look really pretty" He said blushing.
"Aww thanks, This is my sister Andrea" I say, Andy was standing behind me to shy to talk. He looks down and smiles at her which she finally returns
"Are you guys ready to go?" He asks. I nod and I kiss Gran goodbye and walk out to the car.

We arrive in the car at Nandos. I laugh
"I feel so overdressed" I say
"You look beautiful and so does Andy, Don't worry" Luke says hoping out the car and running to the side door and opening it for me.
"Aww thanks you are such a gentleman" I said getting out. Andy gets out the car and runs to me and grabs my hand. We walk into Nandos and we get a seat
"I'll go order, Do you like peri peri chicken?" He asked
"yes please and you can just get Andy a kids meal" I say. He nods his head and walk to the counter. I was in the middle of a convo when I hear the door ding open and loud voices. I look up and I see the one and only Harry. Why does he have to be everywhere I go like seriously. I watch him as he walks to the counter
"The usual please" He says. He must come here often,Maybe that where he was when he stood me up. Kate stop thinking about him, You are on a lunch date with Luke. I feel eyes staring at me and I look up and I see Harry. He looks like he is fighting with himself, I wave at him and he looks shocked. He starts to walk over to me when Luke sits next to me and puts his arm around me.

Harry's Pov
Niall was hungry as usual so me and the boys and their girls decide to go to Nandos. We arrive at Nandos
"Gotta pee, gotta pee" Louis explains running out of the car into the restrauant. I see a girl and a guy and a little girl. The girl had brown hair and it reminded me of Kate. Oh how I miss her. I wish she would talk to me.
We all start to laugh and head into Nando's
"Do you guys want the usual?" I ask. They all nod. I walk up to the counter and Sofie was there, she was pretty and liked to flirt with me but I have only eyes for one girl. Katherine Matthews.
"The usual Please" I say. I feel someone staring at me. I turn my head and see Kate, It was here.  Should I go over there? What are you stupid? She hates you. She waves and smiles. That's it I'm going up there and explaining what really happened. I start to walk over there when the blonde guy from the soccer game came up to the table with food and sat down and put his arm around her. Who the fuck does he think he is? He shouldn't be holding her like that she is mine. I watch as they both laugh and he get along well with Andy. She catches my gaze and then looks sad. I shake my head and walk to the table.
"Harry, why you looking so sad. Didn't they have any your order?" Lou asks and everyone laugh but stop when they realise I'm not laughing with them. I turn around to see Blondy wiping a piece of  tomato sauce near her lip, My hands ball into a fists
"Woah, Harry calm down, maybe they are just friends" Niall said, the grouped look over at Kate and they saw them getting up
"Hey, I know him. He goes to my school. He is really nice. It woud be so cute if they went out" Eleanour gushes, we all snap our heads at her and glared
"Well Harry you missed the opporunity when you stood her up" She said sipping her smoothie. Louis mouths shut up to her and she just be quiet.
I turn away one more time and see them walking out, I see Kate look at me and Blondey  turns around and smirks at me and puts his arm around her waist and leads her to the car.
Oh how I wish that was me ( Get it hahaa)

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