Chapter 2

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Jake on the side.

Kate's Pov  
We finally reach hell, I groan and get out of the car and grab my bag and walk to my group of friends which are: Jade, She is my best friend beside Jake. Oliver, He is average guy I mean he is good looking but I would never date him for 2 reasons. 1. I have known him since freshman year and 2. he is dating my best friend Jade, They have the cutest relationship, they have been going out since freshman and last but not least Rose, I haven't really got to know her, but she is kinda stuck up and flirting with Oliver but we had to have her in the group becaus she is Jake's cousin from America.

"Hey Jadey Poo" I say opening my locker. She looks at me smiling widely. What is she so exitced about?
"Wow you woke up in a good mood. What Happened?" I ask. She squeals and jumps arund, she has a few people look at her wierdly but she obviously didnt care.
"Oliver gave me a promise ring" She says. I squeal and hug her.
" Omg that is so amazing and so cute" I say.
The bell rings for class
" What do you have?" I ask Jade.
"English you?" She groans. She hates English, well lets face it she just hates school in general.
"Same, let's go" I say and we link arms and walk to our class

"I can't believe you fell asleep in English and the teacher didnt know, I mean you were snoring really loudly" I exclaim as we sit down at our table. I look at my right and see Harry sitting with his friends and his hoe and no I'm not trying to be mean to her calling her a hoe cause I'm jealous. I mean she sleeps with everyone and I don't even think Harry even realises. Her name is Jessica, she use to be my friend in Junior but when she found out that I liked Harry she got jealous and changed so get Harry to like her.
Jessica looks over and see me staring she smirks and pulls Harry into a kiss. My heart sinks, I know he will never like me, But I just hope that he will notice me and starts to like me.
"Don't worry about them, We will make him notice you, if it takes us forever" Oliver says. Everyone knows that I like him well only my friends.
" I know" I say sighing and fake smling back. I feel Jake rub my back. I lean on him. No one knows that Jake is gay, everyone thinks we are going out, but we aren't. Its just what we have done for so long. He does it with Jade.
" Hey weirdos, Hi Oliver" She says winking, but Oliver doesnt realise cause he is too busy staring at Jade who is pulling faces at Jake. I roll my eyes
"Hi Rose" I say as she sits down next to Jake.
" Well I guess what I got" She says showing us 5 tickets to the football game that Harry was playing.
We all stand up and hug her and she passes us our tickets.

I walk with Jade outside the school
"Yes we survived this day of hell" she says fistpumping. I laugh and push her. I wave goodbye and walk to Jake's car. He is standing there with Rose. He was arguing with her like he always does because she tries to steal Oliver.
"You can't have him, he's taken, Can't you fucking see that, oh wait you can't because you have so much mascra on your eyes" He yells at her. She flinchs and stomps her foot and walks away. I roll my eyes and walk to Jake and hug him. I'm only the one that can calm down, It's weird but all I gotta do is hug him and rub his back and he is calm.
"Let's go I have to take Nate to football pratiscing and Andy to Ballet" I say pushing him. He nods and we get in the car and drove to me house.

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