Chapter 16

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Kate's Pov

For what felt like forever of running I finally reached my destination, school. I run past people looking for Harry. I get weird looks but I dont care, I see Liam talking to the guy but Harry isn't there. I sprint over to them. "Guys where is Harry, I need to talk to him" I say trying to breathe.

"He had to stay back, you can wait with us until he come" Liam replies

"Thanks, but I really need to talk to him" I say running into the school. I finally spot Harry, He was talking to a teacher. The teacher walks away, this is my chance.

"Harry" I yell really loud, he turns around and looks confused, I run to him and jump into his arms, He stumbles back but holds my weight and after a while wraps his arm around my waist.

"I'm so sorry, I should have let you explain, I know why you left me and its okay. I forgive you " I whisper in his ear . He flinchs and puts me down. I see tears in his eyes.

" I'm so sorry, I should have called but I had to be rushed out of the room cause my mum started bleeding, first thing I thought was getting drunk to wash away the pain and then I saw a girl crying at the pub and I asked her what was wrong and she told me her boyfriend stood her up and I realised what I had done and hailed a taxi and went to the restaurant, I saw you getting into your car and speeding off. I tried to call out your name but it was no use, I'm so-" He rambles, but I cut him off by kissing him. I felt the butterflies start to form in my stomach, he kisses back and it feel just right. We pull away and a few people are staring at us but Harry just smiles and then Louis starts to clap. I laugh and so does Harry and we walk out of school holding hands.

"Wait, how did you get here anyway?" Harry asks looking around trying to find the car.

"Oh yeah, I ran here. I saw Liam and that and ran to them  to find out where you were and before that Jade told me what happened" I say looking at him. "Would you like to meet her?" Harry asks . I realise he is talking about his mother.

"Sure, I would love that." I say and he waves goodbye to his friends and me and him walk to the car. I look over and I see Jake staring at me. He started doing squeal no-one could hear. I smiled at him.

"Tell me everything" He mouths and I nod and wave goodbye and hop into Harry's car. It smelt the exact same, what does he use?

"Your friends are really nice how they look after each other. I'm sorry for what happened between Oliver and Jade. They were always so cute together." Harry said.

"Yeah they were, I think Oliver didn't mean what he said but it was rude of him to hurt  my best friend so I have to be angry at him." I say to Harry. Harry nodded.

"Yeah I kinda figured cause I had to get a mouthful from Jake and Jade. God for a gay guy, he scares me." Harry says.

"Yeah he is like that to people who hurts his best friend, but once you get to know him, he is a fluffy bunny" I say laughing


We walk into the hospital and I can feel myself starting to sweat. Hope he doesn't notice it.

"Hey Harry, Who is this lovely girl" a lady at the front says.

"Oh this is Kate, she is my soon to be girlfriend" Harry said. Wait girlfriend, did he call his soon to be girlfriend. They talk for more but I zone off. My dream is coming true. He noticed me and wants me to be his girlfriend. My life is finally going right.

"You ready to go?" Harry asks and  I just nodded, I couldn't speak because of what he said. We walk down a hall full of blue and Death sort of filled the air, we reached 213 where I'm guessing his mum is in there.

Harry's Pov

I can't believe I just called Kate, my soon to be girlfriend . Like of course I want her to be my girlfriend, but I wanted it to be special, we walk down the hall and I could see Kate face while she sees a little girl on a bed with her eyes closed. We finally reached mum's room

"Hey can you wait out here for a second. I just need to see if she is awake." I say and she nods, I open the door and close the door and see the doctor there doing whatever he does. "Hey mum, Is it all right I bring a friend in?" I ask

"Yeah sweetie, go ahead, don't be rude and let them in" Mum says shooing me.

"Keep it a minimum, Mr Styles" The doctor says, He always pisses me off like serious I know how many fucking people I can bring. I opened the door and I see Kate looking down the hall

"Hey, you can come in now?" I say, but she just stands there I can tell she is nervous cause she is rubbing her arm. It's cute when she is nervous

"Don't worry love, my mum will love you" I say, holding my hand out for her to grab, she puts her hand in mine and feel sparks. We both walk in and I see mum face light up when she sees Kate.

Kate's Pov

I walk in and I see Harry's mum face light up, I wonder why?

"Hey, I'm Kate, It's very nice to meet you" I say. She smiles

"Kate, Is this the girl you were always telling me about?" She says turning to Harry. His face was going red. I tried to not to laugh

"You talk about me. I hope it's all good things" I say and Harry's mom laughs. Harry looks happy  that his mum is laughing.

"Yeah, he is all true about what he says, She is a keeper Harry" She says

"MOM!" Harry whines, hiding into my neck.

"Thank you Mrs Styles" I say

"Call me Anne" Anne says and I nod.

We talk for a bit and she is just a wonderful lady. " Hey mum, I have a game on the weekend , Do you think you would be able to come, like old times" Harry says with such hope, Anne sighs

"I don't think I can Harry, I'm sorry, I would love to but I can't" Anne says. Harry smiles fade and becomes sad. Harry stands up and walks out. I'm guessing to cool off. " I wish I could really, I was always his good luck charm and then I got cancer and he stopped playing for a while and he found out I was getting better and started and always keeps asking me if I can. But truth is I'm not getting better. But I just want to see him play one more time" She says with tears in her eyes. I could feel my tears coming to my face. I need to do something about that.

Harry walks back in after 5 mins. "Hey are you ready to go. The doctor told us to leave cause of the leaving thing. I don't know what he means, but whatever" He said, you could tell he was crying. Anne just nods.

"Bye mum, I love you. Get better. I see you tomorrow" Harry says hugging his mother and kissing her on the forehead. She says her goodbyes.

"Bye Anne, It was lovely to meet you" I say hugging her. We walk out of the door and walk out of the hospital. Harry turns to me and hugs me. I hug back.

"will you come to my game on Friday?" He asks

"Of course, I will. I always do" I say. He smiles and we both get in the car and drive back to my house.

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