Chapter 15

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Luke on the side.
Kate's Pov.
Luke pulls me out of the coffee shop. I try and find Harry but I couldn't see him. Kate stop thinking about him.
"Hey who was that guy that was giving me the most biggest death glare ever?" Luke asks. That must have been Harry
"Oh that was Harry, He stood me up" I say. Why was he giving him a death glare, we aren't dating or anything
"Oh okay. I know this may be too soon but I reall need help" He said.
"sure, what with?" I asked
"well, I like this girl and I don't know how to ask her out" He said, What. Is he going to ask me out, This is too soon and what would I say?
"Aww. Who is the girl?" I ask
"Her name is Gabriella and she goes to my school" He says. I feel relief and a little dissapointed.
"Awww, Well what do you need help with?" I ask, It was cute the way he talked about her
"I want to ask her out but in a cute way and then take her on a cute date" He said, Aww that was a bit cute.
"Well maybe ask her to hang out and then ask her and then take her on a pinic, You don't want it to be too special cause you need to keep thatfor when you ask her to be your grilfriend" I said. He smiles wide and picks me up and spins me around
"Luke?" I hear a voice say. We turn around and see a girl with beautiful brown hair and green eyes.
"Gabriella, what are you doing here?" He asks shocked. So that was Gabriella
"I work here silly remember I told you ages ago, Who is this?" she asks looking at me smiling but her eyes showed sadness. I looked down and see Luke's arm around me
"Oh, Hi I'm Kate, One of luke's friends" I say smiling at her. I heard her sigh in realise.
" Oh cool well, I better get going before I get called for being late, Bye Luke, i'll see you at school, See you Kate, It was nice meeting you" Gabriella says waving at us. I slap his arm
"Ow, What was that for?" he aks rubbing his arm.
"You're letting her go, ask her before someone else does" I say, He realises what was going on

Harry's Pov
I watch them talking to a girl. They wave bye and Kate hits him and then they talk and then Luke runs to the girl and he makes her blush. Wait, I'm so confused, What is going on? I look over at Kate who is talking to Andy. She laughs and Andy smiles widely like she has won something. Luke runs back to Kate and picks her up. I hear Kate squeal.
"Dude, are you ready to go?" Zayn asks, I snap out of it and nod. We pay for the food and walk out. I see Kate drop her purse. They started walking to the car.
"Kate" I yell, she turns around and stares at me. I run to her and grab her purse
"Here you dropped this." I say giving her the purse
"Oh thanks, well see you at school" She says and gets in the car,
"Yeah see ya" I say as their car drives away.

Kate's Pov
Eh, It was monday and I have to go to school. I can't wait till I can leave that hell hole. I get changed in high waitsed shorts and a black crop top on. I put my hair in a messy bun, I grab my glasses and put my usual make up on.
I run down the stairs and grab an apple and grab my converse.
I hear a car horn beep and run to the car.
"Hey Jakey boo" I say panting getting in the car
"Hey, guess what?" He asks smiling widely
" You saw a green elephant" I joke.
"No, but that would be awesome. But I put my college applications in" He says. I squeal and hug him.
"Oh my god, that is so good" I say, He starts his car
" Yeah, NY" He says.
"Wait, you applied for New York?" I ask, He nods and my smiles widen
"Omg, me and Jade applied for that one too" I said.
"Omg, we can share an apartment. It will be how we wanted it in Primary school." He said.

I get out of the car and swing my backpack over my shouder. I walk into the gates and I see the most saddest thing, Jade and Oliver yelling at each other.
"What were doing last night huh, wasn't homework was it?" Jade yells, Oliver looks mad
"None of your business" Oliver says
"It is my business when I'm your girlfriend" She says yells
"Well not anymore, We are through, your such a bitch" He yells, Jade's eyes go soft and Oliver head is down.
"Well, if that's what you want then fine then, have a nice life" she says  running away.
"Jade wait" I say throwing my bag at Jake who catches it. I run after her.

What feels like forever I finally find her sitting on the park bench
"Hey lovely" I say sitting down next to her
"Oh hey" she mumbles, I could see the tears running down her face
"Come here" I say and she hugs me and cries on my shoulder.
"Why would he do this? I thought everything was going well" She cried
"Idk babe, It was babe, He was just the jerk and wrecked it" I say rubbing her back
" I dont think I can go back to school and face him" She says.
"How about we go back and I grab my stuff and and then we go home and watch movies and eat until we can't see our toes" I say and she burst out laughing.
We walk slowly back to school and I tell her to wait here while I run inside and grab my stuff.
I walk into the classroom
"Miss Matthews, you're late" Mr Overs said.
"Sorry sir but I'm going to have go home, My grandma is feeling well and I need to look after her." I lie. Mr Overs nods and I walk to Jake and Oliver and Oliver is looking sad and Jake looks mad. I go in the middle of them and grab my bag. I feel a hand on my wrist and I turn around and see it's Oliver.
"Is she alright?" He asks, concerned written all over his face.
"No, you really hurt her" I say truthfully and he lets go and puts his head in his hand. I walk out of the classroom and to Jade

I walk in the front door an dswing my bag on the ground and take off my shoes.
"You go up to my room and I'll grab the food and you can pick a movie." I say, she nods and runs up to my room.
I grab the ice cream container and I hear the door open.
"Katherine, you are surpose to be at school, why aren't you" Gran scoulds,
"Jade and Oliver broke up this morning and she couldn't face him. So I invited her to come here instaed" I say pouring coke into the cps. Gran nods and goes into the lounge room. I walk upstairs and open my door and see her with a box of tissues on her phone. I sit down next to her and look at her phone and she is changing all of her status to single.
"Are you ready to watch the movie, what are we watching?" I said. She put away her phone.
"we are watching The Notebook" She says quietly.

Halfway through the movie she paused it.
"You should be with Harry. I see the way he looks at you and you look at him." She says.
"I can't, He stood me up and used me" I say
"He didn't mean to stand you up" She says, What is talking about.
"What are you talking about?" I ask, confused on how she knows
" I was working at the hostipal and I saw Harry walk in with a tux. His mother is sick Kit Kat. She has cancer, he was in there a little but ran out as quick as possible, I thought it was to see you and then when I worked again, he came in and I asked him why he stood you up and he said he felt so bad, so he went to a bar and drank away his sorrows. I was going to tell you, but you didn't want to talk about him and you wouldn't give him a chance to explain" She says. I gasp. I can't believe I was so stupid
"I need to go" I said.
"Go I'll be fine I promise. I have to home anyway" She said hugging me. I run out of ny bedroom and down the stairs and out the door. I look at the time and school just finsihed. Hope I'm not to late

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