Chapter 5

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Kate's Pov.
I get woken up by Nate. I groan and get up
"Get up, Mary will be here soon and you know how she is" He says. Mary judges people very easily, if they arent dressed for the ocassion. I remember I was going out on a date and I was dressed in jeans and a nice top and she gave me the dirtiest look, so you have to dress proper.
I groan and get changed and put high heels on. I cant walk in them so that will be fun. I walk to the bathroom and re-curl my hair and retouch my makeup, but put contacts in and pink lipstck on. I hear the doorbell ring and I hear Mary loud voice.
"Katherine, come down" I hear my grandma yell. I sigh and sort my skirt out and walk downstairs to greet Mary.
"Katherine, Oh my gosh, You are getting prettier every minute, how are you?" She says pulling me into a hug.
"Aw thanks, How old are you now 36? And I'm good how are you" I say hugging back
"This is why I like you, Would you like to meet my grandson?" she says to everyone. We nod. She calls him in and I look up from looking at me feet and I see him. Harry Styles. My eyes widen. I didn't know he was her grandson.
"Everyone this is Harry, Harry this is Marie, Nathaniel, Andrea and Katherine" She says. He says hello to everyone and looks at me surprised to see me. Everyone goes to the lounge room and leave us in the hallway
"Katherine, I finally got your name. It's a beautiful name" He says looking at me
"T-thanks" I stutter. Why the heck did that happen?.
"Um, we should proberley go in there" He says. I nod. "By the way You look beautiful You suit contacts"
I smile widely when he turns around. I have a little fangirl moment but when he turns around, I struck a pose so it looks like I wasn't doing anything. He laughed. I made him laugh score.

Nate and Harry was getting along, talking about soccer.
"Guys, Dinner" Grandma says. We all hop off the couch and walk over to the table. Harry sits next to me. We look at each other and smile.
I start to eat.
"Do you know who would be a cute couple?" Mary says breaking the silence
"Who Mary?" Grandma asks smirking. Where is this going?
"Harry and Katherine" Mary announced. I choke on my potato.
"What?" I say.
"Hey if they I would approve" Nate says. I glare at him.
"Grandma, You know I have a girlfriend and I love her" Harry says. My heart breaks when he says that, I feel tears in my eyes
"Can I be excused for a minute?" I ask, Grandma nods and I shoot out of my seat and run upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door and slide down it. I feel the tears run down myself. Who was I kidding, he would never like me. I'm not beautiful enough to be his girlfriend and I'm not popular. I'm not Jessica. I hear footsteps coming to my room and knock on my door. I'm quite because it may be Harry.
"Katherine, It's grandma" the voice says and I get off the floor and open it and she walks in and I close the door.
"What's wrong?" She asks me worried. I couldnt control I burst out crying. She hugs me and tries to calm down.
"He doesn't like me and never will" I say inbetween crying. SHe understood what I was talking about.
"It's okay. Shhh dont cry, he isn't worth it" Grandma says.
"You don't understand, It took me since Junior Year for him to notice me" I say crying.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks.
"Because I wanted to be brave like mum and not let anything to get to me and you said brave girls dont cry" I say wiping my tears.
"Sweetie, you are brave like your mother and beautiful and every brave girl cries. I only said that because I tried to get you be strong and be happy." She says hugging me.
When mum and dad left, my heart shattered. I wouldn't smile, I wouldn't talk. I wasn't myself.
"Thank you" I say hugging her and she helps wipe my tears and mascra that ran down my face. I laugh, I probs look like a panda. Grandma walks out of the door so I can clean myself up. I walk down with my head down so no-one realised I was crying. Everyone else was finished dinner but I couldn't.
We were watching the grinch and I saw pat the seat for me to sit. But I don't sit there I walk straight past him and sat next to Andy. I felt a pair of eyes on me but I didn't look over.
It was time for them to go. I hugged Mary and then Harry hugged everyone but fistpumped Nate. It came to me and I look at him. He smiled at me and I fake smilied and he saw through me and put his head down.
"Bye" He mumbles.
"Bye" I whisper. I watch him walk away and into the car. He takes one look behind him and sees me and waves. I wave back. I close the door and I sigh. This night was a diaster. I walk upstairs and I take my contacts out and clean my face and teeth and put on my pjs and hop into bed.
"Where are you when I need you mum" I whisper touching the photo of me mum and dad. I close my eyes everything went black

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