Chapter 7

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Kate's Pov
I was so close from him kissing me, Maybe he thought what the fuck am I doing with this werido. I got a little dissapointed, but I know I will never be able to kiss him.
"Um. I'm just going to get changed and then I'l take you back to school" I mumble and he just nods.
I get dressed (Outfit on the side, minus jumper and jacket). I put my hair in a bun and put makeup on since I have to cover up my black eye. Once It was finally covered. I walk to my room and I see Harry in my room looking at my pictures. I saw him pick up the picture of mum and dad.
"Hey" I mumble not looking at him. He jumped and turned around.
"Hey, You covered your black eye" He says looking at me eye. I nod and walk past and walk to the closet and grab my boots and Jewellry. I see Harry sitting on my bed staring at me. I grab my ID to get in.  
"You work at Hollister?" Harry says.
"Yeah, with Eleanor" I say.
"I Love that shop, I always come in. How come I don't see you?" He asks. Because you never looked at me or noticed me. I wanted to say
"Oh. I'm always in the back" I lie. He nods slowly.
"Well we better go, I have to pick up my younger sister and brother" I say walking out of my room. Harry following in toe.
I walk outside and a cold wind blows in my direction. I shiver I run to the car and get in the drivers seat. I look at see Harry laughing. I stick my rude finger at him and he puts his hand in surrender. Idiot

I pull up to the school and I see Nate standing there with his friends.
"Well I guess, I'll see you at school" Harry says. I nod not knowing what to say.
"Bye" I whisper and Harry get out
"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Nate say once he was in the car
"Yeah, I'm fine, It didn't hurt" I say looking at him "So how was ur day?"
"Good, I asked her on a date and she said yes. We are going out on the weekend" He said.
I squeal and pinch his cheeks. He swats my hands and looks out the window where Harry is staring at us looking amused. Nate slides down the seat. I laugh and start the car and drive to pick up Andrea.

I walk into work and I see Eleanor. I wave and she waves back exictedly. Wow she has never been this happy to see me. She walks up to me.
"Omg, I love your dress"She says looking at it
"Aw thanks, I love your dress" I say looking at her outfit. She was wearing a dress that was black with gold on the neck line. Her hair was up in a bun same as mine and she looked so pretty like she always does. I wonder why she is talking to me. She use to say hi and that but that was it.

We started to get to work cause the boss yelled at us for talking so much. I was stacking clothes when I hear Eleanor yell out
"Louis" He always comes here to see Eleanor. It's cute how he spins her around. They don't get to see each other that often since they don't go to the same school. Wait if Louis is here that means..
"Hey, your finally out of the back" I hear the voice say. I turn around and see the mop of curly hair.
"Hey Harry" I say and turn back around, not wanting to talk to him cause of the embrassment.
"Hey, What's wrong?" He says trying to look at me. I move my head so he doesnt see my face.
"Nothing, I'm just trying to do my work so I can get money" I say walking away.
"Well I thought you should know, I got a date for tomorrow" He said. He must think that we are best friends now. I felt my heart drop. I look at him
"That's great" I mumble. I see Eleanor looking at Louis and then me. Harry picks me up and turns me around
"She is the most prettiest thing ever. Her name is Rose" He says smiling wide. I choke on my spit.
"What Rose, as my rose" I say, Why would she do that? Oh that's right cause she is a bitch
"Yeah she was talking to me and she likes all the same ting as me and she liked me since she moved here" He said. Wait did she say that him and her have something in common. That is the biggest lie. Me and him do, I know that cause i told her everything about him and what we have in common.
"Well congrats, I have to go to the back and mark clothes" I say trying to cry. I look at Eleanor and she realises what I was about to do. I speed walk to the back and push the door and close it and I feel the tears slip down my face and I slide the wall and I see the door open and El is looking at me. She rushes to me and pulls me into a hug.
"SHHH, it's okay. I didn't realise that you liked him." She says pulling me into a hig. I cry on her shoulder

I stay there for a while and just cry.
"God. I'm so stupid to think he liked me back" I say. I tell her the whole story and she looks angry.
"How could he do that, Give you mix signal and then ur friend try and take him away from you" She yells. I calm her down
"I'm good, don't worry about it" I say hugging her. We walk out and start folding clothes.
"Girls, Time to go home" Jennifer the boss says. We sign out and and I grab my bag and walk out with Eleanor
"If you ever want to hang, just call me" She says hugging me and walking to her car. I sigh and walk to my car.

I drive into the driveway and stop the car and grab my keys to open the door. I walk in and I see Andy eating Icecream.
"Hey Andy, what are you doing?" I ask
"Eating Ice-cream duh" She is a sassy one. I shake my head and walk into the kitchen. I see my gran in the kitchen on the phone. I wave at her and go to the fridge and grab out some fruit to make a fruit salad. I try to listen to the converstaion but I can't. I shake the thought of trying and head up to bed. I wash my face and teeth and hop into bed and put on a DVD and eat my salad. Once I have finsihed I put the bowl to one side and pull the covers up and fall into an amaing sleep.

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