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Lan Zhan eyes widen, he was beyond shocked to why Wei Ying suddenly said that. He thought.. 'Lose control..? Destroy everything..? Rely on me to stop him..?! What is this boy talking about... Is he going through something that I don't know?'


"Wei.. Ying." he reached out to him but Wei Ying smiled and backed away before laughing

"Never mind lan Zhan! It's nothing.. It's late now so you should head to bed. I'll go get my punishment tomorrow morning" he walked towards his bed and laid down

Lan Zhan did not leave the room, he stared at Wei Ying. His worry begins to come back, he gripped his clothes and slowly walke over to him. "Shall we have a small talk before you head to bed?"

Wei Ying was surprised.. To hear Lan Zhan say that. He sat up and smiled, "what do you want to talk about?" lan Zhan sat down next to him silently..

"Well.." before he started talking, Wei Ying suddenly interpreted him which was very rude. "What's with your headband? Is it that important?" even though Wei Ying already knew the answer, he still wants to hear it.

"Only family are able to touch it...my kids and my wife"

Wei ying suddenly burst out laughing, "With all those rules?! You'll never get married" he continued laughing. He missed the old days where he would tease lan wangji.

"That's fine." He expected this very familiar answer, he smiled and suddenly fell asleep. He was exhausted. All day he did nothing but work, working his ass off and planning for what will happen next in the future.

Lan wangji stared at him and stroked his cheeks before whispering, "good night." He got up and left the room, before he left.. he cleaned up wei yings messy room. "Dirty kid."


The next morning, lan zhan did not tell his uncle or brother what wei ying them did last night. Drinking and staying up past bed time was against the rules. But he didn't tell them, not because he didn't care. It was because he thought about wei yings words.. it was confusing, odd, and.. well just weird

The words kept playing in his head, "Do you think... One day, if I lose control.. Destroy everything, can I rely on you to stop me?"
Just what the hell did wei wuxian meant by that..? He was doubting if he should let his brother know. But he was scared, scared what will happen to wei ying.. his wei ying..


A familiar voice called out to him, he turned around and saw his elder brother. His brother smiled at him, "is something bothering you? You look.. well.. troubled."

"Brother.." he bowed and walked over to him, "Something is wrong here." His elder brother raised his brows. A sign for him to explain what he meant by that

"I feel like.. something bad is coming soon. And if we're not prepared we will soon fall."

Now his elder brother was worried why his younger brother feel this. Did something happen that he didn't know? "Wangji.. what do you mean?"

"Wei ying." Was all he said. His brother chuckled, "are you saying that wei ying would kill us?" Wangji gasped and looked down

"No..someone else..they might be planning. I don't know who, but last night. Last night I had a dream. It was at nightless city, it was dark. And us four clan, gusu lan, yunmeng jiang, qinghe nie, lanling jin..were..fighting.."

"Fighting who? The wens?"

All wangji did was nod. He remembered what happened, he remembered the blood, the loss of many people. He remembered..seeing wei ying. But he looked..different..he looked..lost, angry, sad. Three emotions at once



"Wei ying told me something yesterday.."

"You met with childe wei?"

"Mn. He said "Do you think... One day, if I lose control.. Destroy everything, can I rely on you to stop me?" Brother what did he mean.."

"Wangji. That I am not too sure of, the future is unpredictable..we'll just have to wait and see what childe wei meant by that. He wouldn't surely just kill us all. He's not like that" he smiled and went off, leaving wangji in his own world

It's not that he think wei ying would kill them, but deep inside him, he thinks that wei wuxian knows something they don't. And he's hiding it away from everyone, from the every start. He was strange, and super suspicious. Why can't he tell them? What's holding wei wuxian back? Is there someone out there threading wei ying to shut his mouth?


Wangji would definitely find out what's going on.

Wei wuxian's POV:

I've just been punished, I know I was in the wrong. Breaking rules here and there, I can't wait any longer. I have to make my first move quick. Jiang cheng ran to me and helped me up.

"Idiot! Why didn't you say me and nie husiang were also drinking?! Look at you. All hurt." He scolded at me for being careless. I smiled, knowing this won't last long. I have to make the best memories before I go.

"Jiang cheng."

"What idiot."

"...thank you"

"Eh. For what? Saving your ass again? hmph"

"Jiang Cheng...thank you and I'm sorry"

"Stop acting weird wei wuxian." I saw his cheeks slightly got red. Heh, he's embarrassed. I'll sure miss this. I'm so tired, even though I don't do much. I don't have energy. Jiang cheng, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and I'm sorry. You've been clearing my mess up even though you weren't involved, so.. thank you.

When they both left me alone, I secretly went to the cold pond. I took off my robes and hoped in. It was cold.. too cold!! I shrieked and shivered. I forgot how cold this stupid pond was.

I heard leafs ruffles, I panicked and turned around. But it was just lan zhan?! What- what a weirdo stalking me!! Shameless!


Huh. Oh right, my back. I let out a soft chuckle, "no, come join me" I need him. Well not that way but I need his headband to be able to go in the cave. I- no we.. we need it. I know what we need in there. We have to get it fast before night fall.


"Are you coming?"



A/N: HELLOO!! Hope you guys enjoy<3 word count 1076

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