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Wen chao was at the lost of words, "Wei- Wei wuxian! You move out of the way immediately or else—!"

"Or else what? You're going to..perhaps kill me? He said with a deadly grin, that only caused wen chao to get more angry, "why you- I'LL KILL YOU!"

"I'd like to see you try, using your family power to bully others should all die! Isn't that what your GREAT GREAT LEADER WEN MAO HAD TAUGHT YOU? Ha! You don't even pay attention to your old past leader. Good..now you can all die"

Before Wen Chao reached him, it was like time had stopped, Wei wuxian eyes glowed red, this time. Wei wuxian will make sure Wen chao suffers more than before. But before wei wuxian would attack, he made an illusion to confuse Wen Chao. In wen chao eyes, he saw..the future Wei wuxian instead of present Wei wuxian.

The future Wei wuxian smirked deadly and locked eyes with wen chao. He opened his mouth and spoke..

"Wen Chao..we met again." Fear immediately rushed over to wen chao, he had no idea why he was shaken up so much, his entire body would not obey him. "Oh? Do I perhaps...scare you?" The future Wei wuxian walked over and grinned, "Good." Did wen chao meet this person before..no.. it can't be, there's no way that person standing before him is.. Wei wuxian! He heard screams of the wen guards getting slaughtered. "It's- its Yílíng Lǎozǔ!! Wei WUXIAN..!"

His deadly flute was brought near his mouth, just as soon as he was going to blow into it, Wen chao finnaly snapped out of the illusion Wei wuxian had created.

When he snapped out, he realized that he was on the floor. Shaking. Covering his ears. Everyone didn't have time to think. Nor understand what just happened, all they saw was wen chao charging at Wei wuxian but then fell onto the floor before he could even reach Wei wuxian.

Wen chao finally stood up while shaking, "k-kill them! Kill them all!!" Before his guards could charge at them, the big creature emerged from the water. Everyone (but Wei wuxian) was shocked to see such a large creature. It immediately went down and ate two of wen chaos men. It let out a loud roar and made wen chao and his men run away.

Jiang Cheng was going to chase them but Wei wuxian stopped him, "No need. I have a plan to get out of here" they waited for the creature to go back in the water, "there should be a hole under the water".

"And how would you know?" One of the Jin men said, lan wangji cleared his throat. "There's maple leafs out here on this mountain, and there are some inside the cave water, meaning there should be a hole here that could get us out"

"Oh? How smart of you!" Wei wuxian happily claims, that caused the others to just roll their eyes. "Okay, I will distract the creature while you guys escape."

"...are you sure wei wuxian?" His dear brother asked with worried eyes, "are you perhaps doubting me?" Wei wuxian faked pouted and in response Jiang cheng just rolled his eyes. They obeyed him, but lan zhan insisted to help Wei wuxian. Which he allowed. He wanted to have his last moments with him..

"Lan zhan. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help when your clan was burned down" all lan zhan could reply was "mn." He clenched his fist but shook his head, "not Wei yings fault"


It was quiet as hell. No one spoke a word until..

"Let's kill that beast." Wei wuxian said, he got up and helped lan zhan up.



<<time skipped, at the Jiang clan>>

"Thank goddess youre alright!" She spoke to Jiang cheng, "The wen clan has gone too far!" Madam Jiang said before angrily staring at the floor.

"Mother, calm down" Jiang Yanli smiled, "I will be going now" she bowed and left with her father.

<<a/n: the attack on the jiang clan will be different, as stated before I am changing the plot line!>>

"Jiang cheng. Wei wuxian. Madam wants to speak with you two..."


There was..the bitch (wen chaos mistress) who was sitting down at one of the table, she grinned once she saw Wei wuxian, she got up and explained to Madam what Wei wuxian had done.

But Madam did not seem to budge nor care, "Is that a problem?" She asked with a stone face. This only angered her.

"IS THAT A PROBLEM? DO YOU KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING TO? Soon! This place will be ours!" She then grinned and said, "oh.. I heard that the clan leader still had feelings for a certain person and her child is here, isn't that correct? Hm? Isn't it wei wuxia—"

Before she could finish, a loud slap could be heard...

Madam jiang had slapped her. Hard.

"Who do you think you are? Barging into my HOME? Let me remind you." She grabbed her and threw her on the floor, "I am the woman in this house and you. You're nothing but trash." She kicked her and then looked over to Wei wuxian. "Do not bring Wei wuxian into this."

Those words shocked Wei wuxian, he could feel tears forming. No words can express how he was feeling at the moment. Madam didn't get mad at him, madam didn't care that he was the cause of this. He felt, uneasy.

"That child is nothing! He only brings bad luck!" The woman on the floor yelled, Madam jiang had enough of her and grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to where Wei wuxian was, "This child. Is better than you and your wan clan combined!"


"Don't get angry with him please.. it is not his fault..he loves you, not my mother. Don't listen to those rumors. I'm sorry, I've brought nothing but bad luck, everywhere I go. And I appreciate you and your clan for helping me, please don't be angry anymore—" before he could finish, he felt tears streaming down his face. He could remember how everyone died, his uncle jiang and madam jiang who died together.

She did not spoke a word, she then had to accept that the past is in the past, she brought her hands to Wei wuxians face and wiped his tears.

"I should be sorry..I treated you so badly.."

They both just looked at each other without saying a word, "all my life..I blamed you, for my problems, knowing deep inside youre just a child..you didn't know anything..and I'm sorry"

... they had both finally made a bond. It's weird isn't it? His whole life, he did not feel apart of the family, but now he has a chance, to change his mistakes. He had already spoken to Uncle jiang about this too and was able to get it into his head. He was proud that he was making progress

"Thank you"
"Thank you"

Both of them said at the same time.

<<flashback ends, back to present>>

"Don't let her get out of here! She will alert the other wens!"


A/n: will this end bad or good?... anyways thank you! Hope you guys enjoyed, I wrote this while I was in class lol:)

Word count: 1234

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