Everybody needs someone to love

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Derek's POV:

Days went passed and I still haven't talked to the mystery girl, I keep seeing her around but I haven't had the guts to talk to her and I'm not really sure why it is so hard for me to just go up and talk to her, at school I'm one of the most popular guys and I have girls swooning over me, so why can't I just grow up and ask for her name for God's sakes.


Meredith's POV:

Days went by and I finally made a friend, her name is Cristina and she has been on the peds floor much longer than I have so she tells me all the ways to get extra pudding and sometimes we even pull pranks on some of the nurses, and they can't tell on us because well we are all sick children. Cristina and I have been really close over the past couple days we spent endless nights talking about everything and anything and well Cristina gives me a reason for wanting to fight this cancer.

I am still yet to get the guts to walk up to the boy I saw last week, he's just so dreamy and kind and his smile oh his smile makes me melt and makes me weak in the knees. No Meredith you can't think like this he probably has a girlfriend and you are soooo not good enough for him, at least that is what I am telling myself to prevent future embarrassment.

Today was yet another family day which basically means another event to add the list of things my mother hasn't turned up to, but in all seriousness she literally works in this damn hospital and hardly visits me i get more visits from the doctors in charge of the kidney transplant than I do my mother and that's saying something. I guess I should be used to the feeling of disappointment as she hasn't turned up for anything for my whole life so but even with 17 years of it the pain doesn't go away, you get used to the pain of sadness and disappointment that it becomes a known feeling and becomes a numb and normal feeling.


Derek's POV:

Today is family day, one of my favourite days because it means I get to see everyone and I get to see my best friend Mark. Many people think I'm a baby because I like family day but the real reason I like family day is because it makes us cancer kids feel normal, it makes us feel human and that we aren't zoo animals that are just waiting to drop dead.

As family day begun, I looked around the whole room for the familiar blonde hair and green eyes and with no luck I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked all around the room and then I saw her sitting there by herself drinking coffee I presume. This is it the time I've been working up to.

"Um hi I'm Derek and well I've been kinda meaning to talk to you for a while but didn't know how to say well hi."

Smooth Derek smooth

" hi to you too. I'm Meredith it's nice to meet you I actually wanted to talk you to."

Woah does that mean she likes me too?

Chapter 2 finished hehe. Hope you like and they meet YAY so I'm kinda looking forward to the rest of the this book because idk I've been wanting to it for a while 🤷‍♀️
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