Time to say goodbye

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Richard's POV:

The news of Meredith dying has begun to spread around the hospital and knowing the staff around here no one would have informed Ellis, even if Ellis doesn't admit it she loves her daughter but just has a tough time showing than others.

I slowly make my way to what was Meredith's room and there lays Derek holding her cold hand fast asleep, his face is teared stained, his parents are there too waiting for Ellis to come so they can take him home to grieve but Ellis is nowhere to be seen.

I page Ellis 911 to Meredith's room as we won't have a lot of time left to donate her organs, and people need them, she would have wanted people to live on after she died that is why we need her to donate.

"Dr. Webber?"

"Yes, Derek?"

"Is-is she really gone? She won't wake up, we had plans we were going to be together forever and- and she really won't come back?"

"No, Derek she won't be waking up but she has a few hours until her organs aren't variable to we need to donate them as soon as Ellis gets here. I'm sorry for your loss, she was like a daughter to me."

"Thank you, Dr.Webber."


Ellis's POV:

I have just finished my 8-hour surgery and I begin to scrub out but my pager goes off non-stop, but if I look at it now I will have to re-scrub, surely it won't be too important and can wait while I do the post-ops. I make my way down to the ICU and I've noticed that many nurses have been staring at me and whispers and giving me looks of sympathy, but I'm not sure why I didn't lose a patient, my daughter is getting better everything is going fine, so I'm a bit lost on why I'm receiving so many looks.


I finished doing all my post-ops and put my charts onto my interns and made my way to the cafeteria to enjoy my lunch when my pager went off once again, I looked at it and suddenly my head filled with endless worries, it was a 911 page to Meredith's room. I hurried my way down there as they were to only ever page me if it was life and death and I knew that this was the death part. My baby girl, my sweet Meredith has passed leaving me all by myself once again.


Richard's POV:

I saw Ellis making her way down to the hall and I knew that she wouldn't want to see Derek or his family at the moment so I left and met her halfway to hear news no mother should ever hear.

"Ellis.......I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but during Meredith's surgery she lost a lot of blood and we believe her heart couldn't take it anymore, so if you agree we would like to see if she can donate but of course we will give you time off to grieve, Ellis I'm so sorry for your loss."

"So, my daughter my own flesh and blood has died? I didn't get to say sorry or goodbye... I didn't get to tell her how proud I am of her and now.......now she is gone."

I couldn't stand here and watch Ellis cry although we have some bad history there is still a part of me that loves her and hate to watch her cry.

Ellis's POV:

Meredith is gone.

My daughter died.

I didn't get to tell her how much she meant to me.

I didn't get to say sorry for being a bad mother.

I didn't tell her how proud I was of her.

I didn't get to tell her I loved her.

My daughter has died and she won't be coming back.

So sorry for not updating!!!! So this one is basically just Richard's and Ellis's POV but it won't end here I'll do like a funeral and all that and maybe an epilogue but I'm sure yet so if you have any ideas or advice it is more than welcome to! Don't forget to vote and comment it means a lot to me!

Have a great day!


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