If I die young

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Richard's POV:
"Okay everyone we have Ellis Grey's daughter in our table here and I don't want to alarm you but if she dies, we die okay? So let's take this slow and steady no rushing the stitches or rushing anything we can't lose her, she signed a DNR and there is no way in hell that it will come in use today, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes chief."

I began the surgery operating on Meredith Grey, the five year old who would colour on charts, I taught to read, I can't lose her she is like a daughter me and even if Ellis won't admit she won't be able to handle the loss of her own flesh and blood. And who will tell Thatcher although that bastard shouldn't have the right to know he walked out on her.

Meredith's POV:
Once they put me to sleep I felt at peace, it was quiet here I didn't have cancer or my mother on my mind, it was just me and the few good memories I have mostly ones with Derek. I don't know how long it will stay this peaceful but I wish it could last forever but I have to remember to fight for Derek, if I'm not fighting for myself anymore.

Derek's POV:
I'm anxiously waiting for Mer's surgery to finish so I can see her beautiful face again, mum and dad keep reassuring me that she will be fine but she told me that she is tired, so I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst and if the worst does happen I don't know what I'll do with myself.

Richard's POV:

Because she may not have five minutes left in her.

"Okay, she is stable but I want someone to stay by her incase anything changes and if something does page me and someone let Dr. Grey know her daughter is stable I'll let Derek know, good job everyone."


"Derek, Mr and Mrs Shepherd. Meredith lost a lot of blood during the surgery from some bleeders, but we were able to stop the bleeding and replace the blood, she is critical but stable but we will know more when she wakes up but I believe she will make a full recovery. So do you have any questions?"

"No thank you, thank you dr. Webber it means a lot to me."

" it's no problem Derek, she's like a daughter to me so I want her here as much as you do, now if you excuse me I have to find her mother."

Derek's POV:
That is such a relief that Mer is okay, I knew she was going to pull through we can now live our lives together, till we are 110.
I made my way to her room and there she is lying her that bed that made her look tiner than what she but it wasn't till now, that I notice the bags under her eyes, the bruises on her body and the weight she has clearly lost she really was tired.

Meredith's POV:
I felt the peaceful place slowly drifting away and my eyes beginning to open, and then they did and I saw Derek on one side of the room and Cristina in the other I knew this would be the last time I would see them so I took this moment to say goodbye to them both.

"Derek can I can talk to Cristina for a moment?"

" yea sure I'll go get some coffee."

"Mer, what's up?"
" I don't know how much longer I can go on like this Cris, so I wanted to tell you that your my person and always will be, and I'll miss and love you don't treat Derek like crap he will need you when the time comes."
I could tell Cristina knew what I meant, she understands me more in this type of situation more than Derek does and I needed someone that did.

"Mer, I understand that you think that your time is up and I'm not going to tell you to fight because you are clearly tired, so instead I will lie with you until Derek comes."

"I'm back what did I miss?"

"Derek can I talk you you?"
Cris- " I'll leave now, I love you Mer."
" love you too Cris, I'll see you in hell 🙂"

" so what do you want to talk about Mer?"

"Derek, I tired fighting for myself and then fighting for you but it's painful I can't carry on like this I want to be at peace, and I know it will you with grief but you have to know that leaving you is the hardest thing I have to do, and I'll be waiting for you to join me, although I don't think you will be hell with me and Cristina I think you will go to heaven."

"Mer, I've been thinking and I know now that you're tired and that nothing is pulling you back from the light so if you have to go, go peacefully. You are the love of my life and I don't think I'll be able to move on but I will for you. It's okay, you go."

Derek's POV:
And in a blink of an eye monitors began to blare, I knew in this moment that Meredith is going to be at peace and there was nothing I could do, so I will wait for the monitors to stop and say a single prayer that she will be looked after.

"Time of death 2:45pm"

I finally let myself break down the love of my life just died in my arms, I will never forget this moment.

Okay this isn't the end of the story just yet so stick around! Also two updates in one day go me! I hope you liked this chapter sorry it's a bit sad with Mer dying 😭 but still hope you liked it 😁
Don't forget to comment and vote and this story will be coming to a close soon I know it was kinda short but I wanted to try something new 😁
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes 😣
Have a great day

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