You're going to be okay.

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TW: Strong language

Meredith's POV:

Ever since I yelled at my mother she went back to not visiting or talking to me which I guess I'm used to but I just wish I had a mother like Caroyln who came and visited me every free minute she had, bringing you baked goods to remind you of home and treat you like you weren't ill or you weren't dying. I know I shouldn't compare mothers but if you were in my shoes how could you not?

Derek no longer has an infection and is on the road to recovery from both the infection and cancer which leads me here in this hospital by myself with no friends and no family just me, myself and I. And it fucking sucks having no family that cares about you and all the friends that did have now beaten their cancers and left me here, don't get me wrong I'm happy they are no longer dying and all but I am still dying and I'm going to die alone.


Derek's POV:

I've finally beaten this stupid cancer and can go back home to my family and start living a normal life that soon won't involve hospitals besides check ups but still, I'll be able to live my life like a normal 17 year old would.

Meredith has been really distant from me and if I'm being honest I don't know why it can't be because I'm leaving she should be happy that I'm getting better but then again it means she would be left by herself, *gasp*that's why she is mad at me she thinks I'm leaving her behind and going to forget about her as her father and mother did, God Meredith can be so oblivious sometimes.


As I walked into the cafeteria to get my lunch,  I saw Meredith sitting at a table by herself so I walked up to her and sat with her feeling the tension in the air but I didn't care she is my best friend she can't stay mad at me.

"Why are sitting by yourself?"

"Practicing for when you are gone."

"Mer, you do realize that  I will come back to visit you I won't leave you alone."

"You know how many people have said that to me Derek! TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE they say they love me, they say they won't leave but that is all people ever do, they leave me. My father did, my best friend did, my mother has basically left, Cristina left, you are leaving the only thing that isn't leaving is this cancer and it isn't even a FUCKING PERSON! so, Derek, you can't just say that because everyone I have ever loved leaves me and you are proof of that."

I can't believe what Meredith has just told me, one being that everyone leaves her but also that she implied that she loves me, does she love me?


Meredith's POV:

Damn it, Damn it, Damn it Meredith why can't you just keep your mouth shut for once now he is going to know that you like him and that everyone leaves you good going there Mer.

I couldn't sit there anymore I walked out of there as fast as I could with an I.V  and sore muscles trying my hardest not to cry until I was back in my room.

so I just realized that I probably should put like a TW for strong language in case people aren't used to reading curse words. Also thank you @MerDerMcdreamy for the ideas for this book it means a lot! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please don't forger to vote :)

Have a fab day!


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