White Light

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Meredith's POV:

It's been really hard to hide my symptoms from Derek, he doesn't need to be taking care of me when I have a sore back or just sore and tired in general when he is sick as well. I hardly eat anymore I just don't have an appetite anymore and I don't think Derek realizes that I do want to eat but the cancer is making me so ill that I just can't bring myself to.

Derek's POV:
Meredith hasn't been well recently and all I can think about is if her cancer is progressing and it has spread to her liver or her heart the cancer being in her kidneys is bad as it is and if it spreads and I lose her I don't think I will be able to survive. I try really hard to be strong for Meredith because she is going through something horrific to the point the nurses aren't letting her leave her room to see me, and without her here I am so lonely I do have my other friends but they don't make me as happy as I am when I am with Meredith.


2 weeks have passed and Meredith now has a good enough immune system to fight off infections but only time would tell if she can fight them off, we would be able to see each other today if it wasn't for me getting an infection and being put on a high dosage of antibodies to kill the infection quicker. 

I miss Mer so much and no one can even come and visit me for the time being to prevent getting sicker which also means my mum and sister can't visit, Mark can't visit and Meredith can't visit. I should be used to this routine as I've been here for a while but every time it happens I still get a little bit down.


Meredith's POV:

This is just great first I get more sick to the point I couldn't stand and then I get a tiny bit better only for cancer to be an ass and get Derek sicker what is wrong with the universe that they don't want us to get better and be together.

I was reading my book because well I didn't have anything else to do Cristina had bet her cancer and now was outside in the real world and Derek is in his room fighting off his infection when someone I, least expected came to visit me. It was my mother the Ellis Grey the mother who is too busy to come to visit her sick daughter who has been in the hospital for weeks on end.


"Meredith, I heard that you had an infection? What I have told you about not leaving your room to get all those germs?!"

"MOTHER! You don't get to do that you don't get to play doctor with me! You are my mother, mother's are supposed to be here every day to see if their daughter made it through the night and didn't die! You freaking work in this damn hospital and this is the first time you have even cared to visit me and the first thing you do is give me a lecture about leaving my room! Yes, I left my room BECAUSE I WANTED TO! You don't even come to my room to see if I was well you got your information from a freaking nurse!"

What did I just do I have never yelled at my mother like that before she sure is going to bring hell down on me.

Chapter 4 finished hehe also thank you @_Ktje_   for the ideas it helped a lot! Also thank you for reading this book and voting etc and also reading my other books it means the world to me :)

I hope you all have a great day!


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