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Meredith's POV:

I have a bad feeling about today and as much as I want to ignore this feeling last time I did I ended up having cancer, so I've learned not to ignore my gut feeling when it comes to things like this.

"Meredith, we have some news we need to talk to you about may we come in?'

"Sure Dr.Webber I think I already know what this is about anyway."

"Would you like for us to wait for Derek, we can call his parents to get him down here."

"No, if it is about what I think it is, then I don't want him here when I find out the information we have both been dreading."

"Meredith, as you know the chemo working was a very small chance but we had hoped it would help enough but it hasn't, so we are going to have to go into another surgery to try and get the remaining cancer cells, we are so sorry Meredith would you like us to alert your mother."

"It's okay Doctor Webber, I've been kind of expecting this to happen and sure go tell me mother but I would like to sign a DNR."

Derek- "Mer! You can't sign a DNR I need you here, you're going to make it through this, I don't want to lose you. You're the love of my life please don't sign the DNR."

dr.Webber- "I'll let you two talk and I'll be back after I've informed your mother Meredith."


"Derek, I'm tired I don't want to fight anymore I have no fight left in me I can't keep pretending that I'm okay, I know what I'm doing when I sign this and there is a chance that nothing even will happen, but in case something does I don't want to be saved. I'm tired."

Derek began sobbing and my heart broke I couldn't bear seeing him like this but I knew it is what I had to do for myself, I don't have any fight left in me and as much as I would like to stay here I can't, the cancer has taken too much out of me.

"M-mer please, please I-I need you here, I'll be lost without you I can't live without you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and if you die, if you die well I'm a better person since meeting you and I just need you Mer."


Richard's POV:

Ellis has agreed to the surgery and said she wants it to happen ASAP and she doesn't care what Meredith does DNR-wise because she doesn't want to be a part of the situation, so the decision has been made Meredith will have surgery today and will sign a DNR.

"Meredith, I've talked with Ellis and she has agreed to the surgery and the signing of the DNR we will prep you now and then begin, do you have any questions before I get a resident to prep you?"

Derek- "I have a question Dr. Webber why on earth did Ellis give permission for the DNR! She can't do that......she can't."

"Derek, it was Ellis and Meredith's choice to sign it, I'll bring a nurse over with the papers Meredith."

Meredith- "Dr. Webber, if I die will it hurt?"

"No it will be pain-free, but I'll do everything in my power to prevent that from happening. Let's go get you to pre-op."

"Debbie, can you please page someone to prep Meredith Grey for surgery and please also bring DNR forms to her room, for her to sign."

"Yes, Dr. Webber."


"Alright everyone let's begin, Bokhee Scapel."

Okay, so I know this chapter isn't that good and is short but the next chapter will be more interesting I promise so stick around :). I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway and don't forget to vote and comment and if you have any ideas etc they are welcome and I'll try my best to shout you out when and if I use your idea.

Have a great day!


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