"The outside"

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Meredith's POV:

I rushed to my room and quickly locked the door, I just broke down Into tears, no one is going to be here with me anymore I'm going to be all alone and most likely die alone. My mother, best friend, my...Derek, they all have left me or are leaving me I have no one left.

Derek's POV:

Of course, I followed Meredith to her room I need her to know that just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I will stop seeing her and that I'll forget about her I'm not like that but she seems to think so. I went to open her door and it was locked they really shouldn't have locks on patients' doors for this exact reason.


I lost track of how long I sat in front of Meredith's room waiting for the sound of the door unlocking but as I sat there for continuous hours I realized it won't be opening anytime soon, so I went back to my room and texted her.

Derek: Hey Mer, I followed you to your room and discovered you locked yourself in there for some time so please unlock the door and text me we need to talk about this before I leave.

*read  at 3:25 pm*

Derek: Mer I know you are seeing these messages so please answer me I'll keep bugging you until you reply.

*read at 3:26 pm*

Derek: Mer?

*read at 3:27 pm*

It was obvious now that she won't be talking to me for a while but what if I leave and we still haven't talked?


*Time jump to 2 weeks later*

Meredith's POV:

Derek has been gone for two weeks and I've felt so lost and lonely I haven't been sleeping or eating it's like ever since he left he took a part of me with him and I hate him for that. The nurses and doctors are becoming concerned about me but I have assured them that I'm not eating because of cancer which is kinda half true to a point and they have believed it so far, but they are even threatening to bring my mother into the situation if I don't eat or get out of bed soon. 

Derek and his family have tried to visit me on the visiting days and family days but I have declined they don't have to pity me I am fine with being by myself I've been by myself since I was 4 it's nothing new to me it's just how my life goes.


Derek's POV:

I'm beginning to really worry about Meredith the doctors have told us that she has hardly left her room in weeks and is barely eating which is really concerning as she doesn't have the strength to fight cancer and any more extra illness, I'm starting to think I was the one that caused this but she won't even let us come and visit her, something is definitely wrong and I need to fix it before it gets out of hand.

I headed down to the hospital and I'm not leaving until she lets me in and we talk for once and for all.


"Derek, I wasn't expecting to see you back so soon, and no before you ask she hasn't come out you can try and knock some sense into that girl she is driving us all crazy we are considering bringing Ellis into this."

"It's nice to see you, Dr. Webber, I will try to talk to her but don't involve Ellis that would just give her another reason to isolate herself."


"Meredith. If you don't open this door now I'll break it down and I'm not kidding I kicked cancer's butt I can kick down this door and knock sense into you."


"Meredith I mean it I'll count to 10 and at 10 I'll knock the doors down, 1....2.....3......4.......5... I'm up to 5 Meredith better come open the door and stop being stubborn. 6.....7.....8......9 I'm nearly at ten, ....10. Right Mer, I'm coming in."

I ran into the door and sure enough, it opened and I saw her lying on the floor unconscious


Okay, so I'm so sorry for not updating I've been really busy with school, choir, netball, and celebrating my birthday so overall busy. I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment, etc have a great day!


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