Hey look Ma, I made it

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Meredith's POV:

I can't believe that this day is finally here I will finally get to live my life and this time I'm actually looking forward to being alive, I'm transferring schools to where Derek and Cristina are Carolyn has offered me a place to live if Ellis kicks me out which I won't be surprised if that does happen I am actually looking forward to being alive. This is when my life begins it begins today.

"Mer, I thought you would be hungry but then I remembered you can't eat before surgery so I got you some ice chips sorry."

"Derek, that's fine I just want the surgery to happen."

"I know and it will, you just have to wait till 3 o clock today, and then you will be cancer-free."

"3 o clock"

"3 o clock"

Honestly, three 'o'clock could not come quicker it's only half-past 8 and I still have 6 and half hours before I can finally live my life.


Derek's POV:

Today is the day Mer will finally get out of the cancer ward and into the recovery part of the hospital and the good thing about this is, is that she is one step closer to being home and one step closer to us becoming a real couple without worrying if we will get infections if we go outside we can be normal.

The time passed we spent it watching Criminal minds (against my will) and sleeping (mostly Mer) and I have come to discover that she snores it cute but loud like a train is driving right past your window loud, I'm not sure how I never noticed this before. 

I look at my sleeping girlfriend and couldn't help but notice how beautiful she is but then her eyes opened.

"Der, that's really creepy you know watching me sleep anyone would think you are a stalker you should really talk to someone about that."

"haha Mer real funny, but did you know you snore."

"I do not!"

"You do, I'm not complaining I don't mind it's just it's well loud, but I love you for it."

"Oh, I'll give you something to complain about."


She threw her pillow at me but it seems we had both forgotten that she was still in fact ill as she began to cough hysterically.

"MER! Are you okay! I'll get you some water, I'm so sorry."

"Der, *cough* it's fine *cough* I forgot I was still *cough* sick too. Just lay with me?"

"Okay, but no snoring this time kay?"

"I don't snore."


Meredith's POV: 

This time I woke up first and watched Derek sleep and looked at the time only 30 minutes until our life together can start, so I twirled his hair and kissed his forehead to wake him up, he began to stir awake and I was greeted with his morning breathe.

"Der it's nearly time and we have time for one more episode want to watch?"


"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yup I am, let's watch criminal minds then."


"Meredith it's time for your surgery now, Derek your mother is here to wait in the waiting room with you. Are you ready for new kidneys Meredith?"

"More than ready Richard, let's go!"

"Slow down Mer, they still need to get the nurses to prep you, but I'm going to be in the waiting room, I will be there as soon as you wake up, I love you."

"I love you too"


*Surgery is over and It was successful*

Meredith's POV:

I began to wake up and I some figures in my room my throat felt really dry like I need water desperately.

"Derek *cough*?"

"Nope, not Derek."

"Finn? What are you doing here?"

Not the best chapter but still a cute one with some cute Merder scenes hehe, I wonder why Finn has visited Mer???? Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter sorry for the lack of updates don't forget to vote or comment and maybe check out my other stories :)

Have a great day!


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