You're going to be OK

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Meredith's POV:

I woke with a bright light beginning shined into my eyes and I was very confused but then I saw my mother and Dr.Webber standing by the doorway.

"What are you doing here mother?"

I know her being here that something must have gone wrong and they need her permission to go ahead with the plan, I've grown up in the hospital I know how things work I'm not as dumb and my mother likes to others as I am.

Instead of my mother answering the question Dr. Webber did.

"Meredith, we would have hoped for all the cancer to been gone from the surgery but we didn't manage to get it all, so we need you to get started on chemo. I know you said you didn't want to because you would lose your hair, but Meredith it is either this or the cancer growing back on your new kidneys and we need to try our best for that not to happen."

"So, I don't get to go home? I have to stay here longer?"

"I'm afraid so, Meredith do you have any questions?"

"no, I know how it works."

That whole time my mother stood there not saying a word nor changing her facial expressions, she just got told that her daughter is still sick and needing more treatment and she would probably care more about how much money it is costing her than whether or not if it is helping or not. And to top it off I'm am going to lose my hair which will make Derek lose interest in me and move onto a new girl and forget about me, and then it will go back to the way it was before an absent mother, no father and no friends back to being lonely.


"Hey, Mer! how are you? I brought you some McDonald's secretly don't tell the nurses they'll kick me out again."

"Mer are you alright? You haven't bounced up to the sound of food so what's wrong?"

I couldn't show Derek that I was crying he would think that I am a big baby and that I can't control my emotions and that will prove my mother right.

"I'm- I'm fine, it's just I have to stay here longer, that's all."

"Oh, for how long, a couple of days weeks?"

Meredith keep yourself together you can't cry again it will make you weak.

"I-I don't know, I have to do chemo, they......they didn't get all the cancer, Derek. Will- will you still love me if I become bald and vomit all the time?

Damn it here comes the waterworks.

"Oh, Meredith come here, I love your hair or no hair you are beautiful to me, and don't worry about not being bald, give me one minute, I'll be back. Stay here wait for me."


I waited for Derek which seemed like forever but it was actually only an hour when he returned and I was shocked, to say the least when he returned.

"So, do you still love me Meredith now that I have no hair?"

"Derek Shepherd! Did you shave all of your hair off! for me?"

"Yes, I did because I still love you with or without hair, but you didn't answer my question do you still love me without my hair?"

"Although, I loved your locks of hair, yes I still love you and always will,"

"See, now we can be bald together, you can do this Mer."

Thank you so much @ellenpompeoislife for the idea for this chapter it means a lot! 

I hope you liked this chapter and the cute moment when Derek shaved his head for Mer, I thought that it would make it a little bit cute and wholesome and all that :)

Don't forget to vote or comment, and if you have any ideas or feedback let me know it is always welcomed :)

Have a great day!


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