What a difference you have made in my life

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Meredith's POV:

He actually came up and talked to me! No one ever makes the first move and talks to me never in a million years so for Derek to talk to me first made me feel really special and lucky. Although he made the first move I couldn't help thinking if it could have been out of pity? out of spite? a dare from his friends? All these questions ran through my head, but he I had a feeling that he isn't type of person who would do something like that. so I will stick with the idea that he actually was interested in talking to me and getting to know me.

Derek kicked off the conversation with a nice topic it wasn't about my parents or what cancer I have or if I was going to die, it was like we were normal 17 yearswho didn't have cancer we were normal and it was like everything around disappeared and it was just us.  Derek and I.

"So Meredith, well I've been wanting to talk to you for awhile but first I want to get know you what you think and what makes you happy. So firstly what school do you go to?"

He wants to know what makes me happy, but I don't even know what makes me happy so how do I answer?

"Um well I'm 17 and I go to Seattle Grace High School and I'm interetsed to going Dartmouth to become a surgical intern. Um how about you?"

"Mer- um nevermind well I go to Seattle Mery West High and I want to go to either Bowdin or Darmouth as a surgical intern too but I haven't decided yet and look at that we already have something in common already."

There was something about Derek that made me feel safe and loved and forget about the fact that without a new kidney I would die and that I have parents that don't care about me.


Derek's POV:

I'm talking to Meredith and I already know that I want her  to be my girlfriend and one day something more than girlfriend, I can totally see a big and bright future for us but of course there is  one thing getting in the way of my plans and that is a stupid thing called Cancer.

 I knew right then and there that I need to get her number and I know she will be a very special person in my life.

"So Meredith, so we probably won't be able to see each other a lot because of chemo and all that so I was wondering if- if I could have your phone number?"

Good job Derek great excuse to get her number ;)

"Um yea sure and if you wanted to you could come to my room it's on the peds floor room 214 and here's number."


Narrator's POV:

Days went passed and Derek and Meredith were becoming extremally close, they would spend endless nights texting each other until the nurses would scream at them to get some sleep so they would pretend to sleep just to go right back where they were. They even had set days on who's room they would go to and spend the day there despite the disapproval of the nurses but they didn't care they were in love, unaware of their love but they were in love.

Okay so this chapter is okay I'm still thinking of ideas for this story so please if you have ideas they are much welcomed! please vote/comment/ read whatever you feel you want to because it means the world to me!

Have a great day!


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