Chapter 11: I Really, Really Hate Snakes

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     I sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes. The sheets of my bed slid off the bed to the floor. Aeron sat up yawning and licking my face. I pushed his snout away from my face and continued rubbing my eyes. I was still too sleepy to pay attention to him currently. I fell over backwards on my bed trying to pull the sheets which were on the floor, over my head. Aeron used his maw and pulled them away slobbering all over them as well. "Fine, I'll get up," I muttered pulling a pillow over my face, "In three hours, " Aeron growled before barking loudly and jumping off my bed. He walked through the door and out into the hallway, clearly fed up with my drama. I closed my eyes and started to drift back asleep and it didn't take long for someone to interrupt me. The door was opened with great force, slamming against my wall with a loud bang. I pretended to sleep through it, hoping the person would let me be. Aeron backed twice before jumping on my back. He grabbed the pillow that was over my head and threw it on the ground. I moaned still half asleep. "Get up Dark!" Someone yelled. It was none other then Spirit who of course wasn't going to let me sleep through the day. I growled and rolled over, falling off my bed. "First your sister goes missing and now you won't get up, is the apocalypse coming or something?!" She asked impatiently.

"What time is it?" I muttered, not caring about the fact Shade disappeared.

     Spirit glared at me, "Time for you to get up." She grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me to my feet. I couldn't have possibly weighed more than 15 pounds so I have no idea why it seemed so hard to get me standing. After a few mintues she got me to my feet. Spirit threw My black cloak at me which I pulled over my head, too lazy to until the golden thread that kept only the top together. The coat was shorter at the top but it was long down the back , almost reaching the tips in my hair. I fixed the hood so it sat centered on my back. "There's a huge cobra in the castle," She said dragging me out the door.

"So?" I asked still half asleep.

"I want you to get rid of it before it hurts someone or something," She continued dragging me to a room. "It's in there," Spirit pointed to the door.

I groaned. It was too early to kill something, "I don't wannaaaa," I moaned making a face.

"Too bad," Spirit said, "It's a snake, you should want to murder it terribly," She pushed me through the door and locked it.

"Wait, snake?!" I screamed. I was absolutely terrified of snakes. A cobra, dead black slithered in the rafters. It was at least 20 feet long. I walked further into the room trying to find the snakes head, which was difficult since the snake kept moving as if it was trying to piss me off. "You know what, fuck this," I yelled summoning my bow and quiver. The quiver was slung over my back. I bent my arm backwards and grabbed the feather of an arrow. I put the arrow into place and pulled the string of the bow back to my cheek. I aimed for the snakes enormous body. I let the end of the arrow go and watched it fly, impaling the snake. A loud hiss filled the room. My whole body was shaking. I swear, if this snake was a dragon instead I would be out of here faster then someone could yell stop. I watched the snake move across the rafters, its scales gleaming. I still had no sight of the head. Another hiss echoed through the room resembling a person laughing in a way. Something brushed against my ear and I turned around so fast that I lost my balance and fell backwards.

The snakes head was huge and black. Its tongue flicking in and out of its mouth. It had bright gleaming yellow eyes and slits for pupils. The cobra's hood was flared out in a clear sign of aggression. The snake was hanging from the ceiling still. It hissed, unhinging its jaw, showing off two long fangs. It lunged at me and as a reflex I extended my leg and kicked it in the face. I wondered if the snake liked the taste of the bottom of my boot. The snake pulled its head back and let the rest of its body fall to the floor. I got back on my feet and started walking backwards. I glanced away from the snake for a second and by the time I glanced back it wasn't there anymore. Instead there was a naga, a half snake, half person creature which I hated so dearly. The naga was probably the biggest I had ever seen almost tripling my height. His snake half was black and his normal skin was pale. He had the same gleaming yellow eyes against black. The naga had messy brown hair which was hidden under a huge black hood, probably to support the fact that his snake form was a cobra. He wore two golden armbands and bracelets but other then that and the coat, he wore nothing. "Oh great," I spat glaring at him, "I have to deal with an overly large naga,"

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