(Shade's POV will always be written in italics)
While Darkness Append fell asleep with her hellhound her twin lurked around the castle...
Shadows Append stormed around the castle causing destruction and chaos as usual. Letting out pent up anger and jealousy on everything in sight, she swung her twin scythes tearing through fabrics, tables even stone walls and pillars. With Dark not being conscious to stop her, havoc rained down on many parts of the castle. After close to three hours of destruction and mayhem, Shade collapsed on the ground exhausted.
I lay on the floor. My head is pounding and my body aches terribly. I clearly had put too much magical and physical effort in playing with havoc. Most of my knives were still impaled in sofas and chairs simply because they made excellent targets. My breathing was slowing slightly and my head hurt a lot less. I stood up and dusted my purple trench coat off. I grabbed a few of my knives out of the nearby sofas. The rest of them would just teleport back to the pocket of my trench coat.. I raised my hand and opened a portal to the Shadow Dimension on the floor. A blackish purple circle appeared and gradually got larger making a window like view to my home dimension. I jumped through the portal summoning my twin scythes in the process.
I landed on the ground silently. I looked around to see where I had opened a portal to. There was nothing in sight other than a few trees, a bright red moon in the sky and the castle in the distance. I slung my scythes over my back and started to head towards the castle. Might as well pick a fight with a few shadows while I was here. A small herd of Nightmares galloped by me, snorting and hissing. Nightmares were the Shadow Dimensions version of horses. They were black with gleaming purple eyes and manes that looked like fire. They had eight legs compared to a mortal's horse which had only four. Very few Shadows were capable of taming them and only few had tried. None of them have lived to tell the tale. Nightmares were equipped with long sharp fangs doused in poison as well as the ability to run as fast as light. I veered away from the herd cautiously, not wanting to become their next meal.
There didn't seem to be any Shadows wandering about which only led me to believe that Klaus was holding some sort of council, meeting, convention, huddle, get-together whatever you want to call it. Klaus was considered the king or emperor of the dimension which in a way made Dark and I princesses, not that I enjoyed being addressed as one. I was about ready to give up trying to reach the castle since it only seemed to get farther away the more I walked towards it. "Aren't you Dark's sister?" A mans voice said behind me. I whipped around reaching for one of my scythes on my back and swinging blindly. The man put his hand up and blocked the blow without effort. I glared at him. "Who are you?" I spat. The man smirked. He had short black hair and gleaming yellow eyes. He wore nothing but a skirt and a ton of gold jewelry. A headdress with a reared cobra sat on his head. A pair of black dog ears sprouted from the top of his head and he had a black tail to go with them.
"My name is Anubis," He said grinning showing his fangs, "And you are Shadows Append, otherwise known as Shade,"
"How do you know my name?" I asked while reaching for my other scythe.
Anubis just chuckled a bit, "Why would you care? You don't seem to care about anyone other then yourself really. You've stabbed you sister multiple times and basically stood there and watched her kill the friend of yours many years ago."
I gripped my scythes tighter when he mentioned my friends death. "Dark is an irresponsible, disrespectful, insane, murderous freak that is of barely this species. She is barely of the right mind!" I screamed in rage.
"Yes I understand that," He nodded in agreement,"Most of your kin aren't exactly notable or even worthy enough to live."
"They are all idiots," I muttered rolling my eyes.
"Exactly, which is why I was wondering if you could help me. I need some help eliminating a certain god from existence which will also plunge the world into chaos and most likely break you sister even more.
"And why do you think that I would help you?"
"Because you see, your friend Chris isn't entirely dead. His spirit still would need to be passed through to the underworld, but instead of that I can bring him back. Otherwise his soul will just wither away and become nonexistent and in pain for all of the rest of eternity," Anubis had a huge grin spread across his face. I bit my lip thinking. "You swear you will bring him back?" I couldn't bear to say my friends name. I probably would have broken down which would have been really weak looking. "Promise," Anubis said his smirk seemed to be wider then a natural persons. "Fine, I'll help you kill this god,"
Shadows of a Life
FantasiA castaway from her kind, Darkness Append, or as she prefers, Dark, isn't one to play by the rules. She never liked the Shadow Demon's stereotypical sadism or worse their quarrel with the gods, but one day and three gods make Dark just a bit more ou...