Chapter 3: Mr. Grace's Appointment

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Wednesday, May 22nd

8:00 am. Morning

The alarm buzzing in my ear brought me lying awake on my bed. The clock was blinking eight O'clock. I had a few hours before Mr. Grace arrives. Jeremy was knocking on my door. I could smell the scent of breakfast coming from the kitchen. I quickly got dressed in what I had lying on the floor and walked out the room. Jeremy was at the stove, flipping pancakes. One of my favorites, which meant he was up to something. We ate in silence at the table. I kept my mouth shut on bugging him again on why we had to close the office.

Before I knew it, the clock was going for ten, Mr. Grace would be arriving soon. Jeremy walked over to his desk and arranged some papers on it. The knock at the door insured me that this case would be the start.

I opened the door and Mr. Grace entered. He was a tall man, wearing only the finest tailored suit. His white hair only covered the sides of his head. Jeremy stands up from his chair, gesturing at the seat in front of him. Mr. Grace sits, stroking his bushy mustache. Watching Jeremy back in his chair, interviewing a potential client or suspect, brought back memories of how it use to be. I was sent to get snacks and returned with a tray of tea and muffins. Mr. Grace and Jeremy stood up and sipped their tea. Mr. Grace's hand jerks back from the tray.

"Are those Blueberry muffins?" Mr. Grace asked.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Grace?" inquired Jeremy.

"My wi- I mean, my late wife was allergic to them. I guess that some things you don't forget after their gone."

I placed the platter on the edge of the desk. Mr. Grace took another sip of his tea and a large bite from his muffin.

"Alright, Mr. Grace. Now we can't really run this case due to legal reasons, why don't you go and talk to the police-" said Jeremy.

"I do not wish to inform the po-lice abo-ut thi-s." said Mr. Grace, painfully wheezing, "If my family is in-danger, I do not want those hounds all over my house, trying to find the prankster who did this."

"You don't think they're real?"

"See for yourself-" said Mr. Grace, clearing his throat.

"You alright, Mr. Grace" asked Jeremy.

Mr. Grace reached into his pocket and took out a pill bottle.

"Oh, this?" asked Mr. Grace, placing his bottle back inside his suit pocket, "My doctor prescribed it to me. My business has left me over stressed, but that won't be for long."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"To put it simply, my health has come to the attention of my associates at our last chairmen meeting. Now I'm stuck lugging this thing around." answered Mr. Grace, pulling out a pocket timer for his prescribed medicine. "I figure they don't want me dying until I turn the company over to them. It seems rather closer than I thought."

"Do any of these associates know about these letters?" Jeremy asked.

"Ha, they wouldn't believe me if I tried to show them. You see, in my line of work. You don't make many friends."

"And what work is that?" I asked, as Mr. Grace turns his attention to me instead of Jeremy.

"I run some business for the government. I supply, they demand."

"A-and your family?" I continued.

"My late wife passed away over two years ago. I remarried just last month. I have a Daughter in college and a son-in-law about as reckless as his mother. Spending time throwing money away like there's no tomorrow. I almost feel the marriage is nothing more than a scam. Worst than that, that old Butler of mine- Oh! Sorry, it seems I could go on forever. Lets' get back to the matter at hand as the business man in me would say."

"So, about these letters?" asked Jeremy, trying to change the subject back to the related case.

"Yes, I brought one over for you to look at. Please, I need this matter to be taken care of quickly as possible."

Jeremy skimmed over the letter. Some of the letters peeled of the page onto the floor. I figured Jeremy would have me cleaning again after all this was over. Sigh!

Dear Mr. Grace,

It seems my last MESSagES to you haven't been clear enough. So with word of your daughters return from college, I thought it might be a PERFECT time to collect on my MONEY. The offer I have given you has expired as of LAST MONTH. If I don't receive $300,000.00 by Thursday night, you can say good-bye to your daughter... and if any of this gets leaked to the POLICE, I'll have your head as well.

-Mr. NObOdy

"When did the letters first arrive?" asked Jeremy.

"Sometime after my late wife died. You see, she passed away in a car accident," said Mr. Grace, "What does this person want? Why does he terrorizes my family?"

"Have you had any other contact with this person?"


"How about any idea who might be doing this?"

"If I knew that, I wouldn't be calling for help here."

"Listen, Mr. Grace-"

"Please, just call me Mr. Wills. Its' easier to remember."

"Normally in a case like this, we'd look into the matter, but, we may already be pushing our luck with even having you come here. I'm sorry Mr. Wills, we cannot take this case."

"I see... If you ever change your mind. Please, contact me, at my office. I'd rather not have my family know about this," said Mr. Grace, passing us a business card.

Mr. Grace pushed himself up off the chair, turns to the door and walks out, closing the door gently behind him. I turned to Jeremy and sat myself down in the chair. Jeremy knew what was coming, but had no way to avoid it.

"Really Jeremy, what was that?!" I questioned angrily.

"I-I don't know, I think we're stepping over our bounds on this. We have no right in being an investigator anymore. Plus, I have to work today. Where am I going to find time to do this case?" stated Jeremy.

"I'll do it!"

"N-no, I don't think so."

"Trust me on this! You guys always solve the case. Its' about time I pull my own weight for the company."

"Err-I... uh..-"


"You have to promise me something, If you find a lead, don't go without me, okay?"

My eyes lit up. I knew Jeremy was yanking teeth to even think of letting me do this alone. For the first time, I was solving a case.

"Yes, The Mental Enigma is on the job. Lookout evildoer, it's go time."

"Uh boy! Listen, I gotta run," said Jeremy, checking the wall clock. "Text me if you find anything out at Mr. Grace's Mansion."

"You mean I can have my cell phone back?" I cheered, "You won't be sorry!"

"I think I already am," answered Jeremy, heading out the door.

As the door closed behind him, I jumped over to the desk and gave Mr. Grace's office a call with the desk phone. The line rang three times before answering. I could tell it was a secretary. A young lady with a stuffy nose problem.

"Hello, CEO William Graces Office, who may I ask is calling?" answered the Secretary.

"Yes, I represent the Slue Private Eye. Mr. Grace stopped by before asking for our help in a... family... matter," I answered.

"Well, Mr. Grace is in a meeting. He won't be available until the afternoon. Shall I take a message?"

"Yes, tell him to call us back as soon as possible," I answered.

"Very well, I will make sure he gets this, Good-bye."

I hung up the phone and drew my attention back to the letter on the desk. From the letter, I couldn't find any real clue on the matter. But, something was eating at me in the letter. How this guy knew. How could he know about his daughter or the party... and the poor gluing job on the letter. Just sad!

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now