Chapter 20: S'mored Out! & Epilogue

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Friday, May 25th

Morning 8:20 am.

I was alone in the office today. Besides my warden, who fell asleep by the door. Keeping me from my grand escape. The office smelled of smoke. That was the least of my big problem. Most of the office was charred and burned to a crisp. Also, a marshmallow was stuck to the roof and burnt chocolate around the waste metal tin trash can. I opened the drawers of the desk, cleaning out the confiscated items from over the years. Okay, a snowball launcher and a paddle-ball which Jeremy had taken from me, a bouncy ball the size of my fist, etc. I returned to sweeping the floor and filling trash bags full of torched office supplies. I rubbed the second coating of soothe I caused on the spyglass trinket. It was a nice spot right under the desk lamp. Logan pointed at a packet of gram crackers on the floor by his feet.

"You missed one," Logan said.

"Thanks. You want to HELP in this," I implied.

"Yes... oh, and that too," Logan continued, pointing to a bag of mini chocolate bars sticking out of the sleeping bag on the floor.

Logan turned back into the magazine in his hands about defending some ancient from evil being, it could be dire, but I believed the lights always radiant on the other side. Jeremy and Keith were out getting the insurance for the office, a freak fire accident sound much more pleasing than, S'mored panic. I knew this job would take a while but it was worth it, the gang was back together, and of course I got into trouble... ah-h... the normal life.

"Mike, quit your day dreaming, you still have to mop and scrap the marshmallows off the roof," barked the Warden, looking up at the roof.

I did wonder how I got them up there... Oh well! We're past that part already in the story. No more questions.

"Yes, sir!" I answered, before crumbling and flinging a candy bar wrapper into Logan's face. The wrapper left chocolate smears over the front cover of his magazine. Logan peeled down the first two pages and noticed the special chocolate covering I added to spice his reading pleasure. Logan erupted from his chair. Faster than I've ever seen him. Which meant I was going to get it. Well, if older T.V. shows had ever taught me anything, it was this. You have to catch the bad guy first... Now, the chaser!


In the back corner of a dimly lit bar, a white glove picked up a phone in the back. The person wore a full dressed suit and a small bow tie around his neck. The person clears their throat and adjusts their collar. Some char fall from their face onto the coat collar. The person brushes off the char and continues dialing.

"I did what you asked, sir," said the Stranger.

"Good, so they learned of Mr. Grace's secret, but do they know about me?" asked the voice on the phone.

"No, I didn't leave any hints. They suspect nothing."

"I have kept you one step ahead of them, should we need their services again."

"Ooh... I plan to, You know that annoying sleuth that followed us into that warehouse?"

"Yes, I do. He sort of looks like that kid we hired a few years back."

"Well, we can't have those sleuths looking into all this without any punishment. I need you to communicate with the Mayor. Tell him, the shadows have returned," said the voice before hanging up.

The person click the receiver down and dialed another number. The phone rang for awhile before picking up.

"Yes, Mayor Bauman's office, how can I help you?" asked the secretary.

"The shadows have returned!" whispered the Stranger.

"Who is this-" asked the secretary before being cut off.

The Stranger in the white gloves placed the phone down and walked out of the bar. The lights hanging on the ceiling flickered over his hat and collar. From the back you could see his gray hair, singed from heat, just above his trench coat collar. The Stranger lifted the collar over his face as he walked out of the bar and into the dark night. Another Stranger, Silhouetted by the street lamp just above his head, stood still, wearing a fedora and trench coat to cover his face. The Stranger walked right past him into the empty street. As the Silhouetted Stranger watched , he pulled the collar down from his face. Their scratchy blonde goatee stuck out of the bottom of the collar.

"So the Shadow returns after all these years... I just hope my little brother is up for this. Can't say that it won't end poorly. I'll just have to give them a heads up. Maybe I should tell them next time instead of the police," said the Silhouetted Stranger.

They turned away from the bar's flashing sign saying The Fat Zeus and walked out from under the street lamp, striding deep into the fog setting in from the freak rain shower earlier that day. The street light flickered a bit before fully flashing off entirely, making the foggy night air envelope the Silhouetted Stranger as he vanished beyond the layers mysterious that followed them.

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