Chapter 4: Finding A Lead

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Wednesday, May 22nd

11:00 am. Morning

I figured Mr. Wills would be at home in a couple of hours. In the meantime, I thought I'd dig up some information on the Grace family... and find an assistant to help piece everything together. Who better than my old friend Keith. He was always the field agent in the group. Even if he couldn't join, I could get some tips on how to find a lead. Jeremy told me I wasn't allowed to call the police again after... stuff. So I chose to text him if he was available to talk for a bit. I remembered he sent a postcard about what he was up to over the years. He'd finished at the academy and found himself working as a lieutenant in homicide. The pay wasn't fair, but he got to do what he was always good at, finding clues.

I dug my cell out of the top desk drawer and punched in the cell number on the card. Now with the message sent... I just had to sit and wait... sit and wait... s—sit and- ah, forget it. The phone buzzed with the message Keith responded from. He was on duty, but he could talk in the meantime. Before long, the line picked up and I was talking to Keith. The cell phone kept sliding off his shoulder as we spoke. I could tell he was busy filing papers or something.

"Hey, you said you wanted to talk?" asked Keith.

"Yes, but first, nice to hear from you," I said, propping my feet upon the corner of Jeremy's desk. "Hows' the kids?"

"Mike, I don't have time for this. I'm not married."

"Oh, well... maybe you can help me pass this level thirty-two guy in this video game. I can never remember if it was lighting magic or if I just needed to used the revive spell on him to win."

"I helped you with that before. Now what is this really about?" Keith said, pulling up his desk chair behind him.

"Okay, fine. Look I have a case here and I need help finding... whatever I'm suppose to find."

"This isn't some video game, Mike. This is real life! Not all the clues can help you get a 100% run. Nor do they stick out a mile away and your suspect doesn't always attend to the law and just gives up... and I thought you guys lost your license anyway?"

"Crime is never a game!" I spoke, in a deep mono toned voice.

"Oh boy, here we go again," said Keith, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his temple.

"I have a plan to get us all back together. I must first solve this case. You know, to stretch the old gray cells. Got any tips for me?"

"Who is the client?"

"Mr. William Grace."

"And whats' the case about?"

"Something about threatening letters and his family... I wasn't paying much attention."

"That's your first problem."

I knew Keith was right about that, but When did Mike ever need to listen. Never I say, Never!

"Well, you have me on the case now. So what do you say? You can be my man on the inside. I bet we could solve this by the end of the week and still have time on the weekend for movie night, So hows' about it, Partners?"

"I'm not too sure I should accept. If you or I get caught meddling in the police affairs, we could wined up in court or jail."

"I'm willing to risk it if it's to revive the company."

"That was always you, I guess if your going to work on this one alone, I should at least monitor your whereabouts. Just remember to save this number so you can find it in contacts."

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now