Chapter 5: Logan's Help

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Wednesday, May 22nd

1:00 pm. Early Afternoon

I coughed entering the bar. It must have been the smoke I thought. Before I knew it, Logan was sitting at the counter, having Bratwurst. I walked over to Logan, who continued to eat knowing I was coming, and took a seat beside him.

"Logan, can we talk now?" I asked.

"You just did," said Logan.

"I want to ask if you can help give me some pointers on this case."

"Go figure, and what pray tell, do you want me to do?"

"Well, the only thing I have is this letter Mr. Wills gave me."

"Not much of a super sleuth are you?"

"I haven't gotten a chance to speak with him or even look over his house."

"Let me see this!" said Logan, putting the spoon in his mouth and grabbing the paper from me. "It looks like our author is a well known business man."

"How do you know that?"

Logan looks over to one of the customers at the bar reading the Business Times. The customer places his money on the counter and leaves. Logan fetches the magazine, sliding it over to me. I look over the cover and frown.

"The Business Times?!" I said.

"Take a look through it, you might just surprise yourself," Logan said, returning his attention to his meal.

"Great, a dull glossy, piece of money crazed stories. If I find anything in here about a missing twenty dollar bill, I'm leaving."

I skimmed through the articles on the mayors' state of economy, the rights to some guys estate in a court case, and of course, the case blaming Slue for bla-dy, bla... bla. I closed the magazine as Logan slurped up the juices in his bowl. I slid the magazine back over to him.

"You see anything, similar?" asked Logan.

"Not in the slightest," I answered dully.

"Take a look at the letter again," said Logan, passing the threat note over to me. "See anything now?"

"N-no!?... wait!" I said, flipping open the magazine again. "There, the article has the same words that match the ones in the letter."

"So whats' that tell you?"

"Uh... the person had access to this magazine."

"And who would have this kind of magazine?"

"Mr. Wills!"

"True, a man of Mr. Wills stature would have this, but so would others like him. Business men."

"I see, So if I can find the magazine-"

"You found you're first lead."

"Cool, so what do I do now?"

"Well, in your shoes, I would find out more on your client and anything related to his family since this is a threatening letter. I always go with the closest to my client first, They always have something hiding in the closets."

"Okay, Maybe I should have a look at Mr. Wills son. Hes' at the hospital after a robbery at the mall. I'm sure Mr. Wills will be there as well. Thanks Logan!" I said, getting up off the stool.

"Where you heading off to?"

"To see Mr. Wills' son."

"Not without me, you're not. Maybe you should let the professional show you first," said Logan, placing his bowl onto the counter.

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now