Chapter 9: The Merryworth Engagement

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Thursday May 23th

7:30 pm. Night

Jeremy was dressed for success. I, not so much. The best I could do was a fedora and a pack of chewing gum. I was going to redo my chocolate goatee and mustache, but, Jeremy declined forcefully. Heavy sigh. We headed out the office door. As the door closed behind me, I felt a sudden cold wind blow past me. This could all end badly if we couldn't solve this case tonight. That and... the last time we worked on a case didn't fair too well. We drove out onto the highway using Jeremy's car. The rush hour traffic that night pointed the way to the mansion. We arrived on the driveway behind two other cars. The guard knocked on our window, waving a flashlight through our window. Jeremy responded with winding the window down.

"Name, please!" asked the guard.

"Jeremy and Mike from Slue. We're here at the expense of Mr. Grace," answered Jeremy.

"Ah... yes, here you are, the Private Eyes. Mr. Grace asked about you. He'll want to see before tonights' party. Go on ahead!"

The driver of the car in front of us was arguing with the guard. The driver beside us shook his fist in the air in rage. The guard waved for us to past by them. We park in front of the house and a man approaches the drivers' side wearing a red colored uniform, as we both step out of the vehicle.

"Your keys, sir!" asked the valet.

"Oh... yes, here," said Jeremy, handing the keys over.

The valet took the keys and drove the car off into the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. Jeremy turned to the house and led us inside. I saw the Gardener working on the left side of the house with the night sky growing cloudier as the seconds flew by. I remembered that the newspaper said there was a storm rolling through tonight. The party echoed through the front door to the outside. I could see the fancy guests and waiters moving around the Ballroom. Sticking a few pieces of gum in my mouth, Jeremy tugged on my arm to follow him up. The Butler met us in the Foyer, I felt my hat get swiped off my head by the butler's white gloves.

"Your coats,sir!" asked Arthur.

"H-hey!" I said, reaching for my hat.

"If you are to enter this house, coats and hats are left by the door."

"Can we talk to Mr. Wills?" asked Jeremy.

"Yes, but-" said Arthur.

"Ah-h... Slue, please come this way," greeted Mr. Grace.

"Sir, one of your guests-"

"Arthur, I am rather busy, you deal with it."

"Ye-yes sir."

Arthur hurried down the hallway, disappearing round the corner from our view. Mr. Grace led us into his study, closing the door behind us. The gum in my mouth became stale, guess that's what I get for going with cheap gum. We took a seat in front of the desk as Mr. Grace placed himself in his chair. I could see the fireplace was lit behind him.

"Where is the trash can?" I asked, holding my piece of gum in my fingers.

Oh, right here," pointed Mr. Grace.


I walked over and tossed the gum into the empty trash bin. I returned to my seat as Mr. Grace began talking to Jeremy.

"So what is the status of my case?" asked Mr. Grace.

"Not so good, Mr. Wills. We do think whoever wrote them, lived inside these walls," said Jeremy.

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now