Chapter 12: Movin' On Up!

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Friday, May 24th

8:00 am. Morning

The crisp sunlight glazed over the end of my bed. Pulling the extra covers over my face to hid from the light, the light warmed the covers, making it mighty difficult to stay buried. I stretched out of bed and in some attempt of motor skills, my clothes slid over my head and my hair combed down. The clock on the nightstand read 8 o'clock. Last nights agreement was to visit the police station, but to see if anyone was awake was another thing. Peeking through the bedroom door, the sent of bacon filled the office. I could see the kitchen door wide open. Someone was making breakfast. The last time I remember this was when Logan was trying to apologize to Jeremy. Whatever was being said last night must have gotten to Logan. I sat myself at the office desk awaiting for whoever was cooking breakfast to step into the doorway. As the chef walked into the doorway, Jeremy opened his bedroom door, completely dressed for the day. The air around the office started to feel calm. Logan stepped through the door, waving a pan of pancakes and bacon. I thought I'd start the morning conversation.

"So, Keith gave an answer?" I asked.

"He said to stop by in the morning at the latest before he went off shift," said Jeremy.

"Did he say anything else?"

"Detective Shayne wanted to question us about yesterday."

"Sounds like they need a closer for the case," said Logan, distributing the pancakes on the plates.

"Okay, Shayne sounds like hes' in a good mood."

"Only because he has nothing on us at the moment and the Mayor is pushing for them to blame us."

"But we didn't do it!" I said.

"We have no choice on the matter, Its' up to the D.A and the Commissioner," said Logan.

"Mike, we're going to be up against the board in a couple days. What happens now could change if we can win the company back. You need to behave in front of the Mayor til this blows over," said Jeremy.

"What will happen to me then, I mean, I've got nowhere else to go. The company... Its' all we had," I asked.

"Then, we don't mess this up," said Jeremy.

"What about Keith, couldn't he say anything for our defense?"

"Mike, Keith has done all he can for the time being, its' our turn. Come on, we're going to be late for our appointment," said Jeremy, standing from his chair, gesturing us to the door.

I frowned at Jeremy.

"Aw-w, come on, we've dealt with this before. If you really want the group back to together, Mike, you need to pay for the consequences," said Logan.

"Your right... Lets' go see Detective Shayne then," I said.

"Glad to hear it, I'll drive," said Jeremy.

"Uh... I'll drive, its' my car buddy. But hey, Why don't you start the car awhile, Jeremy. I want to have a talk with Mike for a bit," said Logan.

"No problem, just don't be too long," said Jeremy.

Jeremy grabbed Logan's set of keys off the hanger and walked out. Logan dusting off his hat by the filing cabinet. I watched as Logan walked around the back of my chair.

"Mike, I-uh been meaning to ask... Do you remember our last case?" asked Logan.

"Sure, the only one we couldn't solve," I said.

"Yeah, did Jeremy tell you anything about it afterwords?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just-just forget it," said Logan, trying to change the subject.

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now