Chapter 11: Busted!

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Thursday, May 23th

Night 9:32 pm.

One hour, thirty-two minutes... that's how long it took before the police arrived. The storm had subsided for the time being. The lights from the patrol car outside, flickered through the rain stained windows. Jeremy and I sat in the Lounge, waiting for the head detective to bust us for what happened, yet alone, us being here out of contexts. I could hear the Mayor yelling at someone, probably Arthur. When the police arrived, Keith was first on the scene. Keith wanted us to stay in the Lounge, until the detective was done with us. But, that was then and this is now. The paramedics wheeled Mr. Wills dead body out the front door. Keith waited by the Lounge door for the head detective to return with his questions. The door closed as the head detective and the mayor walked in. Now we had some explaining to do. The mayor followed them to us where his face changed to more of an evil smile. We we're not just caught, but with our pants down and red nail polish on our hands. The Detective too, noticed us and chuckled.

"So the famous sleuths finally come out of the shadows. Hows' it feel," asked Detective Shayne.

"Hi Shayne, new hat?" I answered.

"What is this? I thought I'd shut you down three years back," said the Mayor.

"That's what you get for leaving a job unfinished," said Detective Shayne.

"And Mayor Bauman, heard your re-election is coming up," I said.

"I don't want any funny business here. Whats' going on. I can smell the stench of Jeremy on this. But, wheres' that big headed side kick of yours. What was his name?" said Detective Shayne.

"Uh... Logan, sir," said Keith, stepping aside for the Detective.

"Thank you, see, I knew you guys weren't all that bad. So please, enlighten me," said Detective Shayne.

"I do believe they want to pin this on us, Jeremy," I said.

"Yes, you may just be right on that-" said Jeremy.

"Hey, can you tell us anything. What happened here?" asked Detective Shayne.

"Well, it was a dark and stormy night-" I said.

"We were hired to help Mr. Wills with a disturbing letter he received. Instead, we find Mr. Wills murdered in his study," interjected Jeremy.

"Good! I'll go check it out, Keith, get their statements. I'm sure they'll talk to you more than the police. Excuse me Mr. Mayor,"

"I'll be seeing you guys in court... hahaha-" said the Mayor.

Detective Shayne and the Mayor returned to their duty outside of the room. Keith sat next to me, pulling out a pad and a pen.

"Okay, from the top," said Keith.

"Threatening letters and Murder. Mr. Wills believed his life was in danger. Now, hes' laying dead in there, because he didn't pay the blackmailer," I said.

"Letters?! Murder?! What were you guys hired for?" asked Keith.

"A small job gone wrong," said Jeremy.

"Okay, Where are these letters, then?" asked Keith.

"Uh-h... Well, we never got to see them," I said.

"What?" said Keith.

"We think Mr. Wills burned them in order to hid them from his family,"

"How am I suppose to tell the head detective and the Mayor that Mr. Wills was murdered over letters that don't exist. Jeremy, please tell me there is something you can show for this?"

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now