Chapter 10: The Blackout

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Thursday May 23th

Some Time at Night.

I grabbed ahold of Jeremy's hand. I could see a light coming down the hallway. It was Mrs. Grace, with a candle. She was in a panic, the light flickered over the walls.

"Arthur, is that you?" hollered Mrs. Grace.

"Its' just us," answered Jeremy.

"Oh dear, it seems I can't find William or Arthur."

"Sorry, I came out here to get Mike when the lights went out," said Jeremy.

"Well, please, follow me. We'll still be serving dinner in the Ballroom."

Mrs. Grace led us back into the Ballroom. The tables each had a candle lit on them. I sat back in the seat at the table we took before. Mrs. Grace scanned over the room before leaving again. The table had a plate of something, but I really couldn't tell in the dark. Jeremy was eating anyway, while I placed my hat over the undetermined mush.

"Jeremy, do you think this type of house has bad wiring?" I asked.

"Mike, this is nothing but the storm. It must have knocked down a power line in the area. Which means we may be stuck here til the rain dies down," said Jeremy.


"Trust me," said Jeremy, swallowing what was left on his fork. "Whatever it is, doesn't concern us."

"What about our client gone missing?"

"Mike, just calm down."

Mrs. Grace walked into the room with the help of Arthur. She sat down by us. I tap Jeremy on the shoulder to stop eating. The fork landed on his lap.

"Mike?!" yelled Jeremy, as I point to Mrs. Grace.

"I hope you don't mind Mrs. Grace sitting here for the time being," Arthur asked.

"No, that's alright," said Jeremy.

"Wheres' Mr. Wills?" I asked.

"I still can't find him. I checked his Study a bit ago, he wasn't there," said Arthur.

"I tried the Study, but the door was locked," said Mrs. Grace.

"Which door?" asked Arthur.

"The one out in the Foyer," said Mrs .Grace.

"I went through the back door, but he wasn't there," said Arthur.

"Do you want us to help?" said Jeremy.

"No no, that's alright. Stephen is checking the fuse down in the basement now. The fuse blew when the sound system fell to the floor."

"Oh... sorry about that," I answered.

"If you will all excuse me. I'm going to help Stephen before looking for Mr. Grace."

"Why not look now-" I said.

"Mike, its' dark, let them do their job," said Jeremy.

Arthur carried his candle out the doors again. The light flickered down the hallway before disappearing into the darkness. Mrs. Grace wiped her tears with a napkin. I saw someone get up from their chair and leave through the kitchen.

"Mrs. Grace, when did you see Mr. Wills before tonight," I said.

"Mike, what are you doing?" said Jeremy.

"I'm trying to see what we can uncover."

"Please, I'm sure hes' alright. He must have walked out on the terrace round back," said Mrs. Grace.

"Was he distressed about something," Jeremy asked.

"He was talking to the company Assistant, Milo Webly earlier this afternoon. He was about to sell the company and retire this year."

"That's a pretty big decision. Wouldn't that mean, the money coming through."

"Yes, William planned to sell the mansion early next month. We were going over where exactly we'd move to."

"Has everything been squared away with the staff?"

"I wouldn't know. William was suppose to finish all that tonight."

The lights flicker back on only for a moment. I stood up and walk over to the door, Jeremy grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Mike, what are you doing?" Jeremy asked.

"Look, Mr. Wills is our client, I just want to see if Arthur found him," I answered.

"I'll stay here then," said Jeremy.

"Just come on, the sooner we fine him the better."

I yanked Jeremy out of his chair. The hallway was covered in mud prints leading to the basement from the front door. Arthur wasn't going to be to proud of the mud on the carpet. The lights came back on, Arthur fell onto Jeremy, clenching him by the shoulder, we both jump and turn to him.

"Arthur?! W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered.

"You alright, your face looks pure white," Jeremy asked.

"Its'-its' Mr. Grace sir... Hes'-" said Arthur, before fainting by our feet.

"Uh-h... What just happened?" I asked.

"Someone went through the front door when the lights were out," said Jeremy, looking over to the front door.

The rain covered the panes, making anything outside hard to see. Voices from the Ballroom echoed to the Foyer. Jeremy slipped back over to me.

"Guess we can't really ask Arthur," Jeremy said.

"So-o, you first!" I said, gesturing to the Study.

"What, no you!"

"I say, company leader first!"

"You're out of your mind if I'm going in there!"

"What are you afraid of, Mr. Wills isn't in there, isn't he Arthur... oh, right."

The door to the study creek open by itself. I looked over at Jeremy, who was as confused as I was.

"Well... this could be bad," I said.

Jeremy opened the door to the study the rest of the way. The room was completely dark except for the flames flickering behind the desk. Mr. Grace sat with his chair facing the fireplace. The second door inside the Study was left open. Which would be where Arthur must have came in. The chair rotated, facing us and Mr. Grace slouched over in the chair. Jeremy and I scream at the sight, holding each other... 

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