Chapter 15: Mr. Grace's Autopsy

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Friday, May 23rd

4:20 pm. Afternoon

We parked a bit far from the Mortuary. Logan didn't want to park close over fear of the dead, So Jeremy and I had to go in ourselves. Logan stayed inside the car, staring into his hat. Jeremy took the keys with him in fear Logan would drive off without us. Detective Shayne and The coroner stood over the covered body. Detective Shayne thought to be nice for once and lay off the jokes on us as we began examining the body.

"Good your here, Dr. Melvin Chubb, this is the Private Dicks that are helping us out."

"Say, I've heard of you before. Didn't you mess up that one case with-" said Dr. Melvin.

"Yes, they did," answered Detective Shayne.

"What happened to the other guy that use to work here?" I asked.

"Oh, Dr. Benard works night shift now. Never could cope that you kids could do something so wrong."

"Okay, we get it, can we please start this," said Jeremy.

"Might as well, The Commissioner is waiting on this to lead us straight to the killer," said Detective Shayne.

"Lets' see..." said Dr. Melvin, checking over a clipboard and flipping pages. "Except for the gunshot through the head, I'm afraid that's not what killed him."

"What? He bled out. Of course it was the gunshot," said Detective Shayne.

"His heart was stressed out before he died. This man died of... a heart attack," said Dr. Melvin.

"So, no murder?" asked Detective Shayne.

"I'm still not sure on that. What ever happened that night, his heart was put to its' limits."

I watched as Jeremy focused his gaze on Mr. Wills' fingers. I could see a discoloration on the tips of the skin and nails. The blackish coloring didn't look like burns from a fire, but something more...

"What about being electrocuted?" asked Jeremy, looking over the finger tips through a magnify glass.

"If so, his body would have to come into contact with it. Even the smallest shock could have over did his heart."

"I'll run some more test. For now, you still need to find who shot him."

"Whats' the ballistics report say?" asked Detective Shayne.

"I won't know til later on. I removed the bullet before you came."

"Great, so we have a man who was accidentally murdered?" said Detective Shayne.

"Well its' anybodies guess. People can come into contact with some faulty appliances, then before they know it... thud!" said Dr. Melvin, as a buzzing sound echoed from Detective Shayne's pocket.

"I don't believe this," said Detective Shayne, pulling his cell phone out.

"Come on Shayne, At least this may not be a murder then. I feel so much lighter knowing there is no killer on the lose," I said.

"Mike, he was still shot," said Jeremy.

"But, dead first! so... no murder," I restated.

"Come on, we're needed down at the station," said Detective Shayne.

"What are we doing now?" I asked.

"It's uh... Classified for now."

"We're on the case now, we need to know," said Jeremy.

"Thank Melvin, let us know if you find anything else," dismissed Detective Shayne.

"My pleasure, Detective. I mean, I don't like opening bodies up... its' just a hobby, uh, let me rephrase that," said Dr. Melvin.

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now