Chapter 7: Going Over The Books

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Wednesday May 22nd

7:40 pm. Dusk

Now, this was my prison for tomorrow. Jeremy had given me instructions to stay in the office every time he left for work. Sure, I was eighteen. I could get a job, but, My job was a mystery solver. And still is! I was sitting by the desk. Logan was in the kitchen, looking for something to snack on. Jeremy came out of his room, changed from his work clothes. He pointed at me, then went back to pacing by the office door. I sort of found him like this after we got back. He caught me sneaking inside with Logan. I told him what we were up to, before Jeremy's face turned pale and he walked into his room to change. He was thinking over a punishment, I could feel it. Or... he found my sticky tape on the roof of the bathroom. Its' better not to explain it. Jeremy finally placed himself on the other side of the desk from me. He slammed his hand on the desk.

"Seriously Mike! I told you to stay inside. You could have gotten killed." said Jeremy, pointing his finger at me.

"I was looking into the case for Mr. Wills. I decided to ask Logan for some help," I said.

"Jeremy, don't get your apron in a knot. He was with me the whole time." said Logan, opening a can of soda from the fridge.

"And where were you when Mike was jumped."

"Right behind him, look, Mike may have figured out whose doing this."

"I don't care about that now. Logan, can I have a word with you... in private?"

Logan followed Jeremy into the other room. They closed the door behind him. I didn't fell right listening in on them. I waited on the office chair, swirling around behind the desk. This was going to be a while... Twenty minutes and ten second... That's how long I stared at the roof before thinking of something better. Jeremy had hidden most of my stuff to keep me from damaging the office or even breaking a window with a snow cone maker, which I might point out is not a stupid idea, It makes delicious fruit flavored cones from ice cubes then, places them in a waxy paper cone... Which I may say would have been nice... if it didn't shoot sparks and launch a chunk of ice at the wall and then another flying out the two story window. I just didn't expect it to create a hole in drywall. I started writing down the information I found so far... just, I couldn't really pick what is what. Jeremy opened the door before I could write anything else down. Logan stayed in the bedroom, this was not good.

"Mike, do you have any leads on the case as of now?" Jeremy asked, as Logan closed the door to the bedroom.

"I uh... can't really say," I answered.

"What have you found?"


"Jeremy, you know who your asking," said Logan.

"Any physical evidence?" said Jeremy.

"Just this letter and the piece of paper in the fireplace... and hey, I think I do know who it could be," I protested.

"Lets' hear it!" said Logan, walking over to the desk. "I'd love to see what you've come up with."

"I-I don't know."

"The case is still open then. The last chance you'll get is at the party. Mike I'm leaving this to you. I work tomorrow afternoon. Logan?"

"Sorry, I'll be tied up in finishing off my report on Charlie. They're very picky on when they want them done," said Logan.

"So it's just going to be you at the party," said Jeremy.

"Well, I better get cracking then, shouldn't I," I said.

Spyglass Mysteries: #1 Death At The Merryworth ManorWhere stories live. Discover now