3. Checking the Roof

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Spare dressing room - Lindsay's perspective

Since I'd been kicked out of Nellie's dressing room I had to wait around in this other room, which I'm pretty sure was out of bounds to the public, but we move.

"What's in here?" I heard a voice from outside. I looked over to the door, taking out one of my EarPods just in case I wasn't supposed to be in here and they wanted to talk to me about it.

"Go and check it out, Pissface." Another voice said before the door swung open with a guy in the same suit as Martin was shoved onto the floor.

"Shit sorry." He stuttered, trying to climb back up to his feet, looking at me sat on the large bench built into the wall.

"We didn't realise anyone was in here." The other guy with glasses tried to explain.

"It's fine." I told them, smiling.

"Where'd you get that?" The first one asked me, pointing at the jacket I had on which matched theirs.

"Someone called Martin gave it to me." I told him, looking down at the jacket and then back up at him.

"Oh bloody hell, well if Dad can give his jackets away, I'm sure as hell not keeping mine." He complained, yanking it off by the sleeves and slamming it into the ground.

"Please excuse my brother for being a complete and utter twat, I'm Adam." He told me.

"Lindsay." I replied.

"And I'm Jonny." He added, I smiled in response.

"You're not by any chance Mr Morris's granddaughter? It's just our mum, Jackie, told us to get to know you before the wedding." Adam continued.

"Yeah, that's me." I nodded.

"So, our grandparents are getting married." Jonny said, awkwardly trying to make conversation, but we desperately needed an ice breaker.

"Yeah, I think she knows that part." Adam sarcastically responded. I jumped off the bench and walked along one of the floorboards trying to figure out if it was loose.

"Well, excuse me for trying to make conversation." Jonny retaliated.

"Yes, you really are the king of small talk."

"Jesus!" Jonny shuddered when I slammed up one of the floorboards with the heel of my foot, making the other end nearly whack him in the face. I crouched down, holding the floorboard up, lifting out a sealed bottle of vodka, then dropping it back down into its place so no one would notice a difference.

"How did you get that?" Jonny questioned, pointing at the bottle as I walked past the both of them, making them turn to watch me go past.

"A guy that works here owed me a favour." I walked down the foyer to try and find some glasses, assuming that they would follow.

"Isn't that a bit unethical seeing as this is a place of worship?" Adam asked me.

"He's an atheist so not really." I shrugged, quickly dipping into Nellie's dressing room as I remembered seeing shots glasses in there.

"Where are you going with that?" Mum asked me, gesturing towards the vodka in one of my hands and three glasses in the other.

"Her sons look like they need to get drunk." I replied, pointing at Jackie.

"I think we all do." Jackie cackled, obviously fine with the situation. I smiled sweetly before leaving again, shutting the door behind me with Jonny and Adam eagerly waiting outside for me.

"You guys do shots right?" I asked them, just incase they didn't drink.

"Pass it here." Jonny said, snatching the glasses from my hands.

Obviously we couldn't do shots out in the open so Jonny led us up to the roof where we had a nice view of the park that was right next to the synagogue.

"How did you know how to get up here?" Adam asked him as he poured us all some vodka.

"Dad showed me up here once when we were bored." He shrugged.

"Speaking of Dad." Adam muttered as he phone started ringing. "What do you want? ... Really? ... Now? God alright, I'm coming."

"What does he want?" Jonny asked him, lifting the glass to his mouth ready to neck it.


"AHA unlucky, Pusface!" Jonny grinned.

"I'm gonna need this." Adam dreaded as he knocked back his shot, making him scrunch up his face before heading back downstairs.

"Females?" I asked Jonny, curious as to what that meant.

"Dad's obsessed with Adam getting a girlfriend, so I guess there are some options downstairs that he wants him to talk to." He explained, leaning on the tiling of the roof.

"Not you though?" I asked him.

"That's because unlike Adam, I have game." He smirked.

"Got it." I replied, raising my eyebrows and looking off to the distance.

"That was a lie, I don't have game." He suddenly blurted out.

"Okay." I smiled at him, not really sure how we was expecting me to react.

"You a lightweight then?" He asked, pouring himself another drink.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, Jonny?" I asked him, glaring at him slightly with a smile.

"Hey, you supplied the alcohol, not me." He defended, raising his hands.

"How is there still fifty minutes to go." I complained after checking the time on my phone.

"It's gonna be the most disturbing ceremony ever, and then the reception at my parents' house." Jonny told me as if I didn't already know.

"Christ, Mr Morris has been practicing his first dance for weeks now, it's awful." I dreaded, taking another shot.

"Jesus." Jonny just drank straight out of the bottle at the idea of Mr Morris dancing. Jonny's phone buzzed and when he checked it, it was a text from his mum telling him to come downstairs, it was an emergency apparently. I also got a text from my mum telling me the same thing, so we both headed down, deciding to leave the vodka up here just in case we needed to get away later on.

"Your father's here, you need to get rid of him. Mr Morris will die if he sees him here." Mum told me as she stood in the door frame of Nellie's dressing room.

"Is that a bad thing?" Jonny sighed in a defeated tone.

"Jonny!" Jackie scolded him, lightly slapping his arm.

"Just take care of it, Lindsay. I can't deal with this today." Mum told me, closing the door after Jackie had gone back inside, leaving me and Jonny outside.

"You go find him and get rid of him, I'll distract Mr Morris so he doesn't find out." I directed him, turning on my heal to go find Mr Morris.

"Uh, hang on." He paused, grabbing my arm, using it to turn me back around. "Why do I have to go, he's your dad."

"Because I'm a lot better at buying time than you." I shrugged blatantly.

"Okay, fair point." He nodded, finally releasing my arm. "So who am I looking for then?"

"He's called Nathan Reid, he's taller than you with a load of tattoos, you can't miss him." I quickly explained as to get on with the plan. He nodded so I took that as a sign that he understood to I went to turn away again. I took a few steps away from him but then he suddenly grabbed my arm again and pulled me back to face him. He stared at me blankly for a few moments as though he was going to say something but the words just weren't coming out.

"I forgot what I was going to say." He confessed, shaking his head slightly.

"Must be the vodka." I teased.

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