4. The Punk Rocker

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Main hall of the synagogue - no perspective

Adam had just about managed to get away from some of the "females" Martin had tried to set him up with so decided to head back up to the roof since there was still half an hour until the ceremony. On his way through the foyer he was stopped by a tall man in his forties, he was wearing a shirt without a tie with the top few buttons undone, revealing the tattoos on his chest that went up the side of his neck. 

"Sorry mate, do you know where the wedding is?" He asked Adam.

"Uhh, yeah, it's just through there. It doesn't start for another half an hour though." Adam told him, pointing down to where some of the people were starting to gather for the ceremony.

"Thanks." He replied before heading off. Adam went about heading back to the roof where he ran into Jonny.

"Have you seen Lindsay's dad around here anywhere?" Jonny asked in a rush.

"Uhh, I'm not sure who is he?"

"Nathan Reid, Lindsay said that he's quite tall and got a bunch of tattoos." He described.

"Oh I just saw someone like that, he went through there."

"Come on, Pusface." Jonny grabbed Adam by the sleeve and went through to find him.

Jonny scanned the room full of guests sitting in the pews waiting for the wedding to start. Adam pointed over to where the man was when he saw him and they both approached him.

"Hi, uhh, Nathan?" Jonny asked awkwardly.

"Can I help?" He replied, smiling.

"I'm Jonny and this is my brother Adam. Our grandmother's getting married soon and well, apparently you weren't invited." He told him, trying not to anger him as he looked rather intimidating.

"Are you the page boys Kate mentioned?" He asked them. They looked at each other and then at their stupid suits.

"No?" Adam awkwardly replied.

"Mr Morris just said that there were these page boys related to the bride." He told them, casually pointing at them.

"Right well, that's another conversation entirely." Adam said.

"Look I know I wasn't technically invited but I won't disturb you at all, don't worry." He assured them.

"But, you see, we've been told to make sure that Mr Morris doesn't see you which will be a bit difficult when he walks in here and sees you instantly." Adam continued.

"What are two little page boys gonna do about it?" He asked them, crossing his arms, obviously teasing them but they felt very frightened now.

"We'll call a member of security and have you removed from the premise." Adam firmly threatened him which just made Jonny embarrassed as he shook his head in disbelief.


Nellie's dressing room - Lindsay's perspective

I had gone back into Nellie's dressing room to talk to Jackie after I sent Jonny to get rid of Dad. I knew he wouldn't be able to, bless him. I was getting "reinforcements" whilst simultaneously distracting Mr Morris, but the wedding is more likely to turn into Mr Morris's funeral if he's here, and I was desperate.

"How many shots did Jonny take?" Jackie suddenly whispered to me, her face quite close to mine as she clutched my arm through Martin's suit jacket.

"I don't know." I told her slowly.

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