6. The Ceremony

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The roof - Lindsay's perspective

I wasn't checking the time but by the length of each song I guessed that it couldn't be much longer until the wedding started.

"What is going on up here?" Jackie asked, suddenly appearing on the roof, making Jonny and I jump as we whipped our heads round to see his parents stepping over the uneven flooring to get to us.

"What are you listening to?" Martin asked us, pointing at my phone which was still blaring out music so I quickly dived forward to turn it off.

"This album, Midnight Memories." Jonny slurred, lifting the phone out of my hands to check.

"Isn't that by One Direction?" Jackie puzzled.

"They're actually pretty good!" Jonny admitted, struggling to climb to his feet.

"Oh my God, you've had this entire bottle of vodka?" Jackie exclaimed as she lifted up the empty bottle.

"Pusface had most of it!" Jonny immediately said throwing him under the bus. "But he's downstairs chatting up some girl."

"I thought I told you not to let him have any more." Jackie scolded me, which was pretty frightening.

"Sorry, Jackie." I muttered, before running through to go downstairs leaving Jonny to get told off some more.


The foyer - no perspective

"Right, where did you say Adam was?" Jackie asked Jonny as they came downstairs.

"Through there, where everyone else is." Jonny pointed, clinging onto the banisters so that he wouldn't stumble down the stairs.

Jackie paced down the foyer to reach the main hall where everyone was waiting for the wedding to begin. She spotted Adam easily in his suit and saw him talking to a girl.

"Out, now." She scolded him, grabbing him by the ear and dragging him out.

"OW! Jesus, Mum!" He whined as she led him outside to the car pack, getting Jonny to follow.

"Martin, do you have it?" She asked him, who was walking around with a fire extinguisher and passed it to her.

"Mum, no!" Jonny retaliated but before they could do anything, Jackie had already pulled the pin and was spraying them down at an attempt to quickly sober them up.

"AH my God!" They both cried as Jackie continued to aim at them.

"Both of you drink this." She instructed them, finally putting the fire extinguisher down and handing them both a sports drink.

"Mum, I don't like this flavour." Adam told her, instantly regretting his brazen tone.

"Does it look like I care?" She snapped, glaring at him. Martin, who was stood behind her, pretended to slit his wrists, an action he had been doing all day. The boys just stifled a laugh and had their drinks.

"Jonny, go and get your jacket." Jackie told him.

"But Mum-" He complained.

"NOW!" She yelled. He was quite scared of Jackie now so decided to just obey and headed back inside to get his jacket, Adam closely following.

Martin headed into the main hall and Jackie went to go get her mother as the wedding was finally starting now.

"I wish that stupid git would play something we bleeding well know." Mr Morris complained to Martin under the arch as a man played a song on the keyboard.

Stolen Dance // Jonny GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now