10. The Dance

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Jackie's living room - Lindsay's perspective

We went back into the living room just as the song ended, good timing.

"Right, so now I guess it's time for a more wedding type song." Jonny said to everyone, grabbing my phone to find another song.

"Really?" Adam questioned.

"Yeah, I feel like everyone here could use a slow song, isn't that right?" He asked everyone who nodded, looking at their partners.

"Just because you haven't got a female to dance with." Martin insulted him, making Jonny laugh.

"Martin!" Jackie scolded him.

"Lindsay, what song are we going with?" He asked me.

"Fool's Gold." I told him, thinking that would be a good first dance song.

"The One Direction version I'm guessing?" He asked, with a slight sense of dread in his voice after he had put it into the search engine.

"Obviously." I informed him.

"Well, everyone enjoy Fool's Gold, I guess." He told everyone who was getting in position with their partners, Adam eventually having to pair up with Nellie which was admittedly quite sweet, even Jonny had to admit. Martin opened up the double doors into the garden so there would be more space for everyone.

"Okay, slightly problem." Jonny said to me under his breath as everyone around us started dancing and we just stood still in the middle.


"I don't know how to lead." He admitted awkwardly.

"Brilliant." I sighed, shaking my head, not really knowing what else I expected.

"I'm joking." He suddenly told me.

"It wasn't very funny." I said, squinting at him slightly as he took my hand and slid his other hand under Martin's jacket and rested it on my waist.

"Weather's been great today." He said, looking up at the clear sky as we danced.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that." I told him bluntly.

"Right, sorry." He laughed.

"So, this is One Direction then?" He said, obviously ignoring my previous comment.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"You know, I'll be honest, when we were on the roof and you said One Direction, I was expecting some techno EDM tunes that you would hear at some under 18s disco in 2011 that sounded like they came straight out of High School Musical, but they're actually pretty decent." He admitted, as though it was some life changing revelation.

"That's because that's the music they were making in 2011." I told him.

"Yeah, with that whole What Makes You Beautiful debut." He sighed.

"They were seventeen, what else were you expecting?" I laughed.

"Well I don't know do I? I'm not exactly an avid boy band listener."

"What do you listen to then?" I asked him, rather intrigued.

"Well, my top five artists this month are, in ascending order, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, The Beach Boys, Queen, and ABBA."

"So, you really are an avid boy band listener then." I corrected him.

"Yeah, but I'm not exactly listening to a bunch of little kids that got booted off X Factor am I?" He shot back, suddenly getting quite defensive.

Stolen Dance // Jonny GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now