9. The Wake

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Jackie's living room - Lindsay's perspective

"I mean, if you really think about it, I was really just doing you a favour." Jonny tried to explain to me as he sat with me on the sofa, obviously debating whether he should rub my back as an emotional support or not.

"Jonny, you were merely the catalyst in this situation, you didn't kill him, so you can calm down now." I complained, pressing my forehead into my hands, my patience wearing thin.

"Well, everyone handles grief differently. You know, some people laugh, some people get angry at the person that effectively did it." Jonny continued, clearly not getting the message.

"Jonny, just go outside and touch some grass." I instructed him, not looking at him as I did so.

"I was always going to press assault charges against him, I guess now I never can." Dad realised, suddenly emerging into the room with a packet of crisps in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, suddenly looking up.

"Jonny, do you mind giving us a minute alone?" He asked him, leaning over slightly.

"Sure thing, I'll be in the kitchen if anyone needs me." He told us, placing his hands on his knees to push himself out of his seat.

"Are you alright, Lindsay?" Dad asked me, sitting down next to me where Jonny was.

"No, the paramedics said the heart attack was so massive, it would have been painless." I told him.

"Oh, that is a shame, isn't it?" He consoled me.

"He deserved a painful death, I don't even care." I admitted, shaking my head.

"Well, life isn't fair I guess, not even at the end."


Jackie's kitchen - no perspective

Jonny was getting the can of whipped cream out of the fridge when he heard the front door open. He guessed it must have been his family finally making it back. He saw Val go to the door and help Nellie inside as Adam and his parents came into the kitchen.

"Blimey, who would have thought that Mr Morris would die?" Jackie sighed.

"And who would have thought that Jonny would be the one to kill him?" Adam patronised him, causing Jonny to squirt cream over his glasses in response.

"Jonny!" Jackie scolded him lightly.

"Alright, well I've paid my thirty seconds of respect so I think I'm going to head off now." Nathan nodded to Jonny, quickly dipping in the kitchen.

"Oh, umm." Jackie stuttered, turning around to face him.

"I don't think you guys have met, this is Lindsay's dad, Nathan." Jonny quickly explained, pointing with the can of cream.

"Martin, I saw you earlier, nice to see you again. You must be Jackie?" He assumed.

"Yes, hello." She softly returned.

"Nice to meet you, see you around." He smiled before heading out.

"That's Lindsay's dad?" Jackie asked, just above a whisper, pointing back at him.

"The original punk rocker." Jonny grinned.

"Oh, Jackie, I heard the terrible news about Mr Morris!" Jim suddenly emerged into the kitchen, making them all jump.

"Oh, Jim." Jackie quickly placed her hand on her chest in shock.

"What are you doing here?" Martin asked, pointing at him.

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