1. The Morning of the Wedding

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Jackie's kitchen - no perspective

"Can someone please tell me how we are going to get through today." Jackie complained in the kitchen at the thought of her mother marrying Mr Morris, the angriest man on the planet.

"Heroin." Jonny cheekily suggested.

"Please." Jackie replied, holding out her hand as if he would give her some.

"You never know, Jackie. Your mother might suddenly come out as a lesbian." Martin tried to comfort her, which didn't work.

"Martin, for the last time my mother will not be suddenly coming out as a lesbian." Jackie hissed back.

"Well then we're buggered." He admitted making the boys laugh.


Somewhere on the other side of North London - Lindsay's Perspective

This is a shitting nightmare, my grandfather marrying some eighty year old woman. Bloody hell, I mean, he's gonna be dead soon can't he just hold out until then?

He hasn't told us anything about these "Goodmans," only that there were two grandsons my age, but they aren't as good looking as he was when he was young. So naturally, I don't know what to believe. I had only seen a picture of Nellie, none of us had met her before. Obviously their wedding day was a good a day as any to meet your grandmother in law for the first time.

My mum rushed into the living room where I was with a massive dress cover and held it out in front of me.

"This is for you." She told me, sticking it out towards me even further.

"Mum, I already have a dress on." I pointed out, moving my hands up and down to show the dress I was already wearing.

"Your grandfather wants you to wear this." She looked like she was on the verge of tears so I decided to just obey and take the dress.

Upstairs in the spare room I opened it up to get changed and saw just how, for a lack of a better word, provocative it was.

"Christ, Mum! I don't actually have to wear this do I?" I yelled down the corridor hoping she would hear me from downstairs.

"Why, is it a colour that washes you out?" She sweetly asked back, making it obvious that she hadn't seen it.

It looked like something straight out of 50 Shades of Grey. A silver cowl neck dress that I was convinced was actually a shirt, covered in sequins. I always knew that my grandfather was a bit pervy, but this was a whole new level.

After changing I realised that my shoes didn't match the style at all so ran down the hall to my old room to grab an old pair of black lace up heels. Looking the the mirror, my hair looked way too long for it to be down so threw it up in a tight high ponytail, hoping for the best.

"Jesus." My Mum choked on her gin and tonic at the sight of the dress when I went back downstairs into the kitchen, where she was now.

"I know!" I complained, not sure whether to pull the dress up or tug it down.

"Oh, who's that?" She complained at the sound of the doorbell. I offered to get it so that she could get drunk on her much needed gin and tonic.

"You look stunning, my darling!" Mr Morris exclaimed, lifting his arms at me.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked him fatly, but still keeping my tone polite so that I wouldn't get yelled at.

"Is the punk rocker in?" He asked.

"Do you have to call him that?" I sighed, closing my eyes hoping that he would just go away.

"If he hadn't have gotten my beautiful daughter pregnant, she could have reached her potential, but she was distracted by that filthy punk rocker!" He complained, as if I hadn't heard his interpretation of my parents' love story hundreds of times before.

"What do you want, Lou?" I pushed, noticing how cold it was outside.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were going to wear this dress before I waited to get picked up to go to the synagogue." He told me, blatantly staring at my chest.

"Right." I replied, stepping back to close the door.

"Wait, not yet. Give us a spin." He instructed, holding the door open. This was bordering pedophilia, couldn't he just get hit by a truck already?

"Well come on, I haven't got all day, those boys are going to be picking me up soon." He hurried me, so I slammed my eyes shut and reluctantly turned around.

"Beautiful girl." He beamed, resting his hands on my waist, which I quickly pushed off shutting the door and running back upstairs to my old room.


The Goodmans' drive way - no perspective

"Try and find your mother some heroin." Martin instructed his sons as he slammed the door shut on the wedding car.

"Right, time to get the lunatic." Adam joked as Jonny got in his brother's little red car.

Inside the wedding car, Jackie sat next to Nellie with Martin opposite. As they left the driveway, Nellie started to calm down, but Jackie was still trying to hold back the tears.

"Does Mr Morris have any family?" Martin asked to try and brighten the mood.

"Yes, he has a daughter." Nellie told him.

"I didn't know Mr Morris had a daughter." Jackie said, looking at her mother in confusion.

"Yes, she's a few years younger than you. But Lou spurned her." Nellie told her as if it was an ordinary thing.

"Why?" Jackie asked.

"Teen pregnancy."

"Was the father a punk rocker?" Martin asked, assuming that was why she got spurned.

"Martin!" Jackie hissed.

"You'll probably meet her today, Jackie." Nellie smiled.

"That'll be lovely, Mum." Jackie replied, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.


A/N: Shalom.

Just wanted to quickly say that I don't really want to give Lindsay a detailed physical description because you guys can just imagine her as whoever you want :)

Obviously we're in the season three era because Jonny hits so f-ing different

Also, I didn't proof read this so if there are any typos or grammatical errors, sorry!

Okay see you all next time, BYE ALL!!!

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