8. The Fight

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The main hall - Lindsay's perspective

It was quite obvious that Jonny was shitting himself over this, who could blame him though? I mean, who in their right mind would want to anger Mr Morris, a man who was already the angriest man in the universe.

Jonny reluctantly went up the stairs to reach the alter where Mr Morris was sat, waiting to be updated.

"What's going on then?" He asked Jonny, quickly standing up.

"Okay, if I could have everyone's attention please? I have an announcement to make." Jonny clasped his hands together, everyone in the room dieting down to hear what he had to say.

"For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jonny, Nellie's grandson." He started. "Obviously she had a bit of a medical situation earlier today but as it turns out, she's actually okay." Everyone let out a sigh of relief at the news, but Mr Morris just looked angry and confused.

"Well, where is she then?" He asked from behind us.

"I was just getting to that." He awkwardly pointed, smiling before continuing. "In this time, Nellie has decided that she won't be going through with the wedding, but she appreciates you all coming down to offer your support for her today."

"What are you talking about, boy?" Mr Morris interrupted.

"As I was saying," Jonny continued, trying to ignore him, "Jackie, my mum, has said that if any our close family and friends would like to come back to her house as a little gathering then do feel free, food and drinks will be available."

"Shut up, child. What are you talking about, she's called off the wedding?" Mr Morris bellowed, grabbing onto Jonny's shoulder and whipping him around to face him which made him almost lose his balance from the sudden movement.

"Mr Morris, I understand that this may be difficult for you to hear."

"You filthy punk rocker! Put them up you scoundrel!" he yelled, lifting his fists as though they were about to fight.

"I'm not going to fight you, Mr Morris. I am only the messenger." He stuttered, lifting his hands defensively.

"You slanderous vermin!" He continued, throwing an extremely weak punch at Jonny which he luckily dodged.

"Mr Morris, please!" Jonny tried to remain calm as he had to keep on taking steps back and ducking out of the way of Mr Morris's punches.

"Don't run away, fight like a man!" Mr Morris challenged him, grabbing one of the flower arrangements that was much larger than him and aimed to throw it at him.

"Heads!" I yelled, so that Jonny would be aware and dive out of the way.

"You're a shitting lunatic!" Jonny insulted him, pointing at the crashed bouquet next to him.

"Go on then, fight the lunatic!" Mr Morris slowly started to approach him again, still with his fists raised in his attacking stance. I was somewhat using Jonny as a shield seeing as he was just in front of me now.

"He is just not gonna stop unless I fight him back?" He asked me, turning his head to at me sneakily looking over his shoulder at Mr Morris.

"I doubt it." I shook my head, pushing him forwards making him stumble slightly as he stopped right in front of Mr Morris.

"You think you're tough do you? You Rutherford lover!" Mr Morris yelled throwing another punch but Jonny ducked down and just about missed.

"Jesus, just piss off, mate!" Jonny grabbed Mr Morris by the shoulders and kicked his knee, making his legs buckle. As Mr Morris lost his balance, Jonny shoved him down the stairs of the alter, making everyone in the room gasp as he rolled down the stairs.

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