7. The Ambulance

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The back of the ambulance - no perspective

"Oh God, oh God." Jackie sniffled, looking down at her mother with her oxygen mask on.

"It's alright, Jackie." Martin comforted her.

"She's not gonna die is she, Mum?" Jonny asked her, voice breaking slightly.

"Oh, Jonny." Jackie took his hand, unsure how to answer the question. "We love you, Mum."

"We love you, Grandma." Adam and Jonny added.

"Stay in there, Nellie. Stay in there." Martin encouraged her.

"How long until the hospital, how long?" Jackie asked the paramedic.

"Not long, we'll get you there." He assured her.

"You hear that Mum? We're nearly at the hospital, they'll look after you." She told Nellie.

"Good girl, Nellie." Martin added.

"Yeah, Grandma." Adam murmured.

"Look she's moving." Jonny pointed out as Nellie lifted a hand to remove the oxygen mask. "No she wants to say something."

"Jackie," Nellie whispered using a finger to beckon Jackie forward, "I need to talk to you."

"Of course, Mum, anything."

"I'm not ill." She told her.

"No, of course you're not!" Jackie assured her.

"No, I'm not ill." She repeated.

"What?" Jackie asked in confusion.

"I'm pretending." Nellie grinned.

"No, she's confused." Martin interrupted, putting the mask back on her.

"Wait, pretending?" Jackie asked, removing the mask again.

"Yes." Nellie replied.

"So you're not... dying?" Jackie whispered.

"No." Nellie denied.

"Not even a bit?"


"You just pretended to have a heart attack?" Jonny asked, not even surprised.

"At your own wedding?" Martin added.

"In front of your entire family and friends?" Adam continued.

"I couldn't think of what else to do." Nellie admitted.

"What else to do?" Jackie puzzled.

"There was no way I was gonna spend the rest of my life with that jumped up little arsehole." Nellie snapped.

"You mean..." Jackie whispered.

"She's got to keep her mask on." The paramedic told them, placing her mask back over her mouth.

There was a long pause where they all just looked at each other before suddenly erupting into celebration, laughing, cheering and hugging each other.

"I'm free! I'm free!" Nellie cheered.


The foyer - Lindsay's perspective

The ambulance had left an hour ago, and still no word. Everyone was still waiting in the main hall for there to be an update but Mum took me to go get a sandwich to absorb some of the alcohol, which worked pretty well.

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