The Aftermath

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You just lay there, holding up the covers as you leaned towards Jin's warmth.

"That was really something." You finally spoke up. Jin looks over and chuckles.

"It was great, wasn't it?" His arm pulled you closer. You now were on your side, you head on his sweaty chest.

"Jin?" You don't look up.


"Once the war is over, and you've defeated your father, what do you plan on doing?" there was silence, you know you most likely ruined the mood, but your mind ran on curiosity.

"I don't know... I had one plan but things have changed."

"Changed how?" you finally look up, now fully leaning on his chest as you hold yourself up.

"You're in the picture now (Y/N). Before that, I was going to end my own life to stop the Devil Gene."

"End your life? Jin... you shouldn't have to do that."

"It's a curse I carry, I have to be careful with what I choose to do with it."

"I know, but you shouldn't end your life, just don't have offspring." You kiss his forehead. You could tell he was different when he was around you, and perhaps you just saved a life, though he has taken many.

"You are one fine babe, you know that (Y/N)?" Hwoarang rolls off from you, puffing alongside you.

"Well, I try my best." You get up, you see Hwoarang sitting up just staring at you. You look back to wink at him before walking into the bathroom. You turn on the shower, leaving the door open in case Hwoarang needed you. You chuck your hair up into a bun, hoping in the shower and rinsing off. Hwoarang walks in the bathroom, he gradually gets in the shower too, but not to share any sexual tension, just to be beside you. You stand behind him helping him rinse his back. You were both pretty tired, so you both get out, getting dressed in sleepwear. You get back into bed, Hwoarang sliding in on the other side to snuggle up against you. You were glad he was warm to the touch; it was comforting to be around him. This feeling was different compared to your ex-boyfriend.

"I hope you have sweet dreams, because I sure will." Hwoarang yawns before closing his eyes.

"I'll try my best."

You both remained on the couch awkwardly lying there. You could not believe that you just did it with the one and only famous boxer Steve Fox, sometimes you would forget he was your boyfriend.

"S-so..." you stuttered. Steve smiled at you before pecking your forehead.

"I haven't had satisfaction like that before." Steve was honest.

"R-really?" You stutter again, Steve picked up.

"You alright, love?"

"Yeah, sometimes I just forget that we're actually dating, and I'm not just some fan anymore." Your face heated up, Steve chuckled.

"I really like being with you, I get to be another part of myself. Boxing is my whole career, don't get me wrong, but being with you it's like there's part of me I can actually enjoy."

"Your 'whole' career?" You teased.

"I'd say you're a big part of that, I've never had a support like you." Steve smirks, kissing your neck.

"Mmhmm, and I'm glad that I can be there for you!"

"Exactly right (Y/N), exactly right."

You honestly had not expected such lust from Lars, you knew he was buff but you didn't realise how muscular he was until you saw him shirtless.

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