When you see him again

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Second day at work and you felt like you needed to avoid everyone. After meeting your boss yesterday, you needed to be by yourself as you felt a sudden strange connection between you and Jin. You're currently doing research on for a cure of something for a certain gene. All you know about the gene is that it's more powerful than you think. You look at the time on your watch, its quarter past eleven, you are allowed to start your half an hour break. You step out of your office sauntering down the hallway reaching the stairs. Without thinking, you miss a step falling. You're stopped by a sudden strength of muscle in one's arm steadying your body.

"Are you alright (y/n)?" You look up, Jin! Great.

"Yeah," you stare into his glimmering eyes, the temptation of trying not to get locked into them was hard, you managed to resist "I was just going down to grab a coffee, did you want one?"

"No thank you, I don't drink coffee but thank you." He's kind, there's something about him that tells you he is a good man.

"Okay, I guess I'll go then."

"You care if I join?" You weren't expecting that, you couldn't say no.

"Sure." Both you and Jin walk out as he leads you to his motor bike.

"You like motorbikes?" You were a little stunned, you didn't like the thought of one let alone being on one.

"Yeah." You end up going with it. Jin hops on before you reluctantly got on behind him.

"Hold on tight." He grabs your hands placing them around his waist slowly driving off.

The last time you saw the mysterious man was when he dropped you off home. You never caught his name, but you wish you had of. Today you were preparing yourself for a new fight skill you were going to learn, Taekwondo. Ever since your break up, it was about time you began to stand up. Arriving at the place, everything looks empty.

"Hello?" You call out, for a minute no one answered until an older looking man with a black-grey pony-tail dressed in his Taekwondo outfit.

"Hello, you must be (y/f/n)?" He greets bowing, you do the honour of bowing back.

"Yes, that would be me."

"My name is Baek, I will be your master." He leads you to the room where training would begin.

"Thank you for accepting me." He nods.

"I also have another student, we are waiting on him." You put your bag on the chair beginning to so some stretches. Without knowing, you elbow someone in the chest.

"Hey watch it!" The familiar voice says, you turn around to face the man.

"Hwoarang!" Baek shouts at him.

"Sorry I-wait, you're the chick from the other day right?" He notices straight away, you nod in agreement.

"Hwoarang! You sleep in one more time I will make you do double the push ups! Understand?" Baek's voice roared, Hwoarang understood.

"Hey I didn't catch your name."


"Nice, I'm Hwoarang by the way." He gives you a sly smile before jogging over to Baek standing in his presence.

"Do a hundred push ups!" This could get interesting.

As promised, you went to the next match, he was versing another tough looking boxer and Steve never let anyone down. You walk into the boxing arena, packed full of people. Finding yourself a front row seat, people begin to glare. The seats said reserved, and luckily you had received the voucher showing security you were right to sit down. You see the referee stand in the middle introducing the opponent.

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