When he finds out you're on your Period

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Since the war was still raging, Jin was to take back the Mishima Zaibatsu again after the announcement of Heihachi Mishima's death. You once again were the secretary of Jin since he wanted you close by. You had your own office, which was good providing that space between the two of you. You love Jin, don't get yourself wrong, but having space was also very helpful. You sat down typing away on your computer when you started feeling a little uneasy. You stand up and your face just drops when you look back down at your seat.

"Shoot." You didn't know what to do, you didn't want to leave to change yourself, but also didn't want to leave the seat just sitting there. You start scrubbing the chair, thankfully it was leather before taking out your long coat before awkwardly covering yourself, taking your pants in which, you had spare changes of clothes in the office; who knows what was going to happen. As you slowly snuck out, his voice startles you;

"(Y/N)? I'm glad to catch you, I need you to file a few things for me." His tone shifted as he knew something was off.

"T-thanks. I'll just grab those later." You turn away before feeling it run down your leg.

"(Y/N)! You're leg? Are you hurt?"

"I'm totally fine just need to get to the bathroom." You quickly spoke and he followed.

"Do I need to get you a medic?"

"It's nothing! Really..." you awkward started stepping away.

"Are you sure, (Y/N)?"

"It's not my leg, it's my..." you gulp, Jin then realised what you were trying to say.

"Right! Um, feel free to use the staff shower if you need it." Jin felt awkward, you finally walked away and got into the bathroom just in time to get yourself cleaned up. That was extremely embarrassing...

You were running late to your lesson, you decided since Baek's passing, you and Hwoarang would still train hard despite not having a proper trainer. You arrive, Hwoarang in his training uniform as usual.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, work was keeping me back." You exclaim, throwing your stuff on the bench. You were always comfortable with your body, so you didn't care about getting changed in front of him.

"Sure, that's what your excuse was last time too." He stirred, you poked your tongue out as you took off your dress, changing into your white training Taekwondo uniform. You and Hwoarang started sparring, but you just weren't feeling right.

"I'm just going to go fill up my water bottle, I'll be back." You huffed.

"I'll be waiting." Hwoarang continued focusing on his stances. You left, filling up your bottle as you said before feeling more cramps; that's when you looked down and noticed the red stain on your paints.

"Fuck." You slightly open the bathroom door, before calling "Hey um... Hwoarang?"

"What is it?" His footsteps come closer.

"I'm really not feeling well, could you be a doll and grab my bag for me?" He cocked his brow.

"What are you hiding?"

"What? Nothing!" He took a few steps to your bag, not taking his eyes off you. You were getting nervous as he was being slow.

"Hwoarang, please. I'm seriously not feeling great." Out of nowhere, he slides the door open, and you become flustered.

"You literally could have just told me what was wrong."

"I'm embarrassed, okay?" He doesn't respond, he just puts his arms around you for a brief moment.

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