Special Imagine! He just isn't right for you

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Bob (Slim)
You knew you were holding Bob back to being the true man he wanted to be. Bob was so focused on his weight rather than your relationship. You knew Bob wanted to be a 'Fat Hero', and there was no denying what he wanted. You needed to focus on yourself for a while too, which was just another reason to break it off. You pull out your phone and dial his number.

"Bob? We need to talk, meet me at the park." You left a message on his phone. You strolled down to the park, and you waited. What felt like ages, Bob finally showed.

"Hey!" He goes to lean in, but you stop him.

"Bob, this has been going around in my head for a while, and I personally think we need to end it." Bob stood there, unsure on what to do.


"You know I'm holding you back, this isn't the man you want to be. Tell me I'm wrong."

"But (Y/N/N)-"

"I just don't have the same feelings for you like when we first met. I can't stop you from being the man you want to be, and I need change. I need to also do what's best for me." You start to tear up.


"I'm sorry Robert, but I have to go my own way." You held his hand for a brief second before turning away. You walk away, and never look back."

A/N: It is time I say goodbye to Slim Bob in my stories, though I am not sure if many of you have missed him in the recent chapters. I hope you all understand my decision. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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