The Seventh Tournament

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It had been weeks after the Sixth Tournament, you watched a few fights before the Mishima Zaibatsu had been taken over by none other than Heihachi Mishima himself. You hadn't been at work, you managed to avoid being there; deciding to do your own research on where to find Jin. You searched for weeks to find him; you got nowhere until you heard from Nina herself that he was in the Middle East. You go to the Middle East, looking around for him. You see a bunch of the Mishima Soldiers running armed towards a particular spot; you see Jin in straitjacket; holding his arm as a chain hung from his neck.

"Jin!" You called his name; a glimpse was shown before soldiers surrounded him. Luckily for Jin, a Bullet-Proof army vehicle had appeared; out came Lars Alexandersson. Lars was protecting and fighting the soldiers, you ran to Jin's aid before Lars forced you and Jin into his vehicle.

"(Y/N) ... W-what are you doing here?" Jin managed to say from his few words.

"I've been looking for you Jin, I was worried..." It wasn't until too much longer when Jin had become completely out of it; you hold his hand tightly.

"He is going to be okay, I'm taking him back to the Violet Systems."

"Thank you, Lars..." You grip Jin's hand tighter, pulling the hair back from his forehead.

"It's quite alright." Lars pulls up beside the helicopter; you assist Lars in carrying Jin around your shoulders, approaching the helicopter's seats. Tekken Force Soldiers already had to engine going, you put on your safety belts, Lars strapping in Jin.

"We're ready to go." The Tekken Soldiers take off, and you continue to hold Jin's hand.

"I promise I'll stay by you side..." You whisper in his ear.

You were glad Hwoarang had kept his promise seeing him often after the sixth tournament. You had sat down watching movies with him, going on cute movie dates and trying to make the most of it during the war. You and Hwoarang had gone away from the war; currently the two of you lay in bed snuggling against each other. Hwoarang's phone vibrates on the bedside table; you wait as Hwoarang answers his phone. You don't know who he is talking on the phone to, you hope that it isn't bad news. You sit up once he hangs up the phone.

"I've just been informed that there's going to be another Tournament..."

"You're not going are you?"

"Baby I have to, I have to defeat him. I have to defeat that monster." Hwoarang's voice speaks with anger.

"Then I'm going with you-"

"No way (Y/N)! I'm not going to let you go, not after what happened to our Master!" He grips your hand, you look down expressing your sadness.

"Please Hwoarang... Let me go with you please... I want to support you!"

"Okay fine."


The both of you were in the Middle East, you were walking around, Hwoarang was aware that Jin was around the place; it wasn't until he spotted Jin Kazama in his devil form, Hwoarang put up his fists.

"Hwoarang be careful!" the two of them fight; legs, fists, lasers. Hwoarang had managed to win; Jin was back in his human form.

"What is the use of versing monsters like you!" Suddenly, Hwoarang and Jin were surrounded by the Mishima soldiers.

"Hwoarang!" The soldiers threw a smoke grenade; Hwoarang took Jin throwing him out of the way taking the hit. You run towards him, the soldiers chasing Jin away. Hwoarang stood up; he covered his right eye before fainting.

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